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Bax pov
When I got home I got a text from Summer asking if she could stop by and I said sure. There was a knock on the door and there she was
" what's up Torres "
She had a look of worry on her face
" Bax I've been thinking "
" That's never good "
I walked back into the house letting her in
" Bax I've been thinking about how I feel about you "
I let out a little sigh and tilted my head back a little
" What did you and Ari have a fight or something "
" no just seeing you with her I don't know it just .... got me thinking "
" Summer- "
That's all I got out before she grabbed my face and kissed me and I pulled away as fast as I could. I whipped my lips clean of her
" Summer what the hell was that you're with Ari and you you can't just do that to people you can't play with them till you get jealous and then want them for a little while you had your chance and you blew it to be with him I'm over you Summer and I'm sorry "
She looked almost annoyed that I rejected her
" Are you serious B "
" do not fucking call me that "
The rage filling my bloodstream
" Are you seriously going to just throw away all that we had before "
She just looked at me
" get out of my house now "
Without another word she did and as soon as the door closed I called Vegas
" hey what's going on B "
Her tone was light yet it still had that slight worry woven into it
" Summer was just at my house and she kissed me but I stopped it right away I promise "
" ok "
I could hear the pain in her voice now
" I am so so sorry "
" who started it "
" Summer did "
" ok "
She hung up and I was so scared of what might happen next because I don't know all the parts of her yet.

Vegas pov
I went over to Summer's house the next morning
" hey what's up I knew you couldn't stay away "
She smiled when she opened the door
" did you kiss Bax "
" what "
" Just tell me the truth Summer did you kiss him last night I won't be mad promise "
" fine I did I'm sorry "
Then I slapped her
" sorry I said I wouldn't get mad not that I wouldn't react "
She was rubbing her cheek
" well are we good then "
I could tell that she was admitting her wrongdoing in that sentence
" yeah we're good "
" Good now come in I need help cleaning my mom will be home soon "
When the house was clean I left and found myself in a random neighborhood and I was looking at the houses and imagining the good lives the kids had with happy parents. I was listening to all the sounds of my new home and I was picturing a happy life for me one day in a house like one of these. My phone started to buzz and I answered it blindly
" Hello "
" hey where are you Summer said you wondered off "
I hear the smile Bax had
" yeah I'm just a few blocks over "
" k "
He hung up and I sat down on the curb waiting for him my phone started to buzz again so I picked up thinking it was him again
" what now "
I said in a joking tone
" you are such a pathetic little girl "
Wrens' voice filled my head
" Sorry "
" you found my brother and told him what all I was saying he doesn't even like you he just feels sorry for you so it's all a lie who would like someone like you "
" I "
" I'd go ju-"
I hung up I didn't even realize it was a call from social media but it sent me in a tailspin. Every little thing anyone has ever said and everything I've done. It was starting to get harder to breathe. My heart was racing and my eyes burned. My ears were ringing and muffled. I laid back on the sidewalk and tried to just breathe. I was holding onto my chest and then there was something blocking the sun I opened my eyes and there was Bax
" Are you alright "
I healed up my hand asking for a moment and he listened. When I sat up he sat down
" what happened "
" I umm "
My hands were shaking so I just opened my phone and showed him the call log
" why did she call you "
"Just.... Not now "
" ok yeah yeah "
He switched my phone off for me and we made our way to a beauty supply shop
" Bax what are we doing here "
" I need to get some more hair dye "
" ok pink again "
I messed with his hair a little
" we'll see "
We were looking at the section for the different colors and soon he had a box of red and a box of green
" Are you going for Christmas in the middle of the summer "
" oh you're right "
He said and put the red back and I grabbed a box of maroon and healed it up to his head
" yes perfect "
I laughed a little and then started to put it back and he grabbed it from my hand
" no, I like that one "
" ok "
I looked and found a box of a reddish-orange
" I like this do you think it would look ok on me "
" only one way to find out "
He said and took it from my hand and rushed to the check out and then back out the store leaving his change on the counter. When I got outside he had this big cheesy grin
" why did you do that B I could have gotten it myself "
" yeah but would you "
I shook my head no and smiled
" ok well what are we waiting for "
" oh you want to dye it now ok yeah let's go "

" Bax are you sure this is enough for all of my hair "
" yeah see look we'll just add some um conditioner it says and then we'll be set "
" ok I'm trusting you big time "
I stood still in his surprisingly clan bathroom and just let him put the product on my hair and soon we both had dye on the tops of our heads and timers set on our phones. I was trying to get the little splotches of dye off my skin when his timer went off because he put his dye on firsts. He started to wash it out in the tub
" my god it looked like you killed a unicorn or something "
" shit you're right "
His laugh echoed in the tub and when he stood up with a towel on his head my timer went off. I started to wash mine out when he was starting to blow dry his. When I stood up he was almost done and it came out more of a light magnet color because he didn't leave it on for the max time. I looked at my hair and I was shocked I didn't look like myself the blond hair was now replaced with red and I felt good about it
" ok princess I think your hair is dry enough give me that "
I said as I took it from him and he just watched as I dried it and it came out like an orange red that somehow looked natural on me.
" fuck "
I turned to look at him
" I love it "
He said and put a few strands behind my ear.

We were in the living room watching something on TV when he put his chin on my head pulled me into a cuddle and said into my hair
" Vegas what are we "
" I'm not sure "
" well would you like to be my girlfriend "
I let out a little laugh
" that's not how this usually goes usually there's a date first "
" I know "
I could hear the slight hurt in his voice
" B I'm joking of course I'd like to be your girlfriend "
He kissed the top of my head and I could feel his big smile and his heart beat faster. As we sat there his arms around me slightly swaying us back and forth
" hey B are we going to tell the others "
" eventually "
I grabbed my phone and took a picture of us and then set it as my lock screen
" hey so there's a comp on Friday I'd like you to be there "
" I'll be there "

 As we sat there his arms around me slightly swaying us back and forth " hey B are we going to tell the others " " eventually " I grabbed my phone and took a picture of us and then set it as my lock screen " hey so there's a comp on Friday I'd lik...

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