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Vegas pov
I spent the next few days just working and studying for a practice citizenship test. I was at the beach with Surf reading a book just enjoying the peace and taking a brake. I was in the middle of a suspenseful chapter when the sun was suddenly blocked. I looked up and found Bax standing there and he was just smiling
" what are you doing "
" reading "
I sat up from where I was lying on my stomach and put the bookmark in my book. I was starting to put things away
" didn't you have practice today "
" yeah I just wasn't feeling it I wanted to see my girlfriend "
I got up and he was acting like a little kid with how giddy he was
" Bax what did you do "
" Nothing "
" Bax "
I looked at him through my lashes
" ok ok fine I got you something "
He put his hand up telling me to hang on
" ok put out your hand and close your eyes "
I did and I soon felt a small weight be placed in my hand. I opened my eyes and I saw a necklace
" It's a St. Christopher it protects you over land and sea "
I thought of the one he wears for a moment
" and it's an old-school sign of going steady "
I picked it up as I said that
" Yeah "
I looked at the small rust and silver pendant. I healed it up
" Help me put it on "
He took it and I moved my hair so he could and he put a light kiss on the back of my neck telling me he was done. I looked at it and then at him
" I love it thank you "
He just looked at me
" hey let's go do something "
" what do you want to do "
" see a movie "
" Sure "
And we did just that and it was a perfect day and I just hope that it will stay good.
When I got back to the house I was happy to see that Andy wasn't home and so I felt like I had the place to myself for the first time in a long time. I sat out in the back yard just reveling in the day's events and just listening to the world around me.

A few days later I was sitting in the living room and Surf was in my room and I was looking at a selfie we took as we were leaving the theater. I had the TV on on a low volume and Andy walked in stumbling and ranting to himself. I got up and was heading to my room
" Kimberly "
He yelled and I closed the door a little and turned to look at him and took a few steps toward him
" you YOU are ruining my life "
" what "
" you Dianna tried to trap me "
" I'm not my mom "
" oh please stop trying to act like a dumb bitch you knew what you were doing you knew "
" I'm not doing this tonight "
I was going to my door when he grabbed my hair and pulled me back making me fall to the floor. It happened so fast and he was suddenly on top of me. I tried to block him but it didn't do much
" stop stop stop "
He just didn't stop coming
" Andy please "
He didn't stop so I started to scramble for my phone hoping it was still unlocked. I was able to tap something and I hoped it was Bax because I knew he would answer. I thought I heard something but I couldn't tell and just started to punch and kick and soon I was up and he was down and then I just started to punch him after a few good hits I was being pulled back. when I looked it was Bax and Summer and when I looked past them I saw Ari and then Bodhi
" what "
I started saying but then they started to take me out of the house and then we got into a car that I think was Ari's parents. We all got in and then Ari sped off after a few moments I said
" so Ari how much shit are you going to get for taking the car "
" they'll understand "
Summer said she was on one side of me and Bax on the other
" Sorry "
Bax said as he started to wipe my face
" fuck "
I hissed in pain
" I'm sorry "
Bax apologized
" Ari drive faster "
Summer yelled and it was all a blur of pain then the car stopped and I was quickly moved into Ari's house 
" Ari where what happened "
His dad started and then I was still moving towards the bathroom as soon as I was in there I looked in the mirror and I was sent back to the worst night of my life.
The music was pounding in the house and my mom and her high friends were gone and I was left with a busted nose and a suit of bruises. My body ached for days after and it was hard to focus on anything.
" Kimberly look at me "
It sounded odd but then I came back and I was just looking at Bax the room was fuzzy behind him
" my nose "
I mumbled and tried to reach for it but Summer pushed my hand away
" it's fine it's fine don't touch it "
I looked in the mirror and started to pull off the cardigan I had on and look for marks on my arms as they both tried to clean up my face. I heard only one word come from the kitchen
" police "
I moved quickly and yelled down the hall
" don't call the police it's fine "
" look "
His dad started
" no, you look I'm not going back not to the States not to the system don't call the police "
I was pulled back into the bathroom and soon they were finished
" Summer "
" on it "
She was gone and Bax shut the door behind her
" Kimberly look at me ... look when you called I thought I was listening to you to you die and I love you too much to let you go back to something like that we need to call the police "
" Baxter look at me the cops will take one look at me and then at him and then listen to him and then nothing will happen and if the cops do step in they'll take me away and then send me away and then I'll be sleeping in a strange house with strange people and then no one will believe me when I tell them the adults do things I can't do it again I can't go back to when I was 9 10 11 I can't "
I started to cry and he hugged me
" Kim "
Aris mom's voice filled the space
" Can you two open the door please I need to talk to you "
He didn't let go of me but still opened the door
" Look sweetheart you can stay here for a while and in the morning we will figure out what to do ok "
" ok "
I said as I slowly looked at her and I could see the fear in her eyes. We went out and Ari and Summer were walking into the living room with pillows and blankets and we all slept in the living room.

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