Chapter 22

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Ugh. That bitch hasn't called to apologize. She better not expect me to. Cause I won't. She should come to me begging me to stay as her friend. Ugh. Who am I kidding? I'm being a bitch. Why should she come back? Because she needs me. She doesn't have any friends besides me. Lozer. She doesn't deserve friends. She's ugly as fuck. No wonder Chase wants me. I mean look at my ass. Who am I kidding? I don't have ass. Chase likes me though. Wait. Chase. No. I told Trey I choose him. What the fuck am I doing? I love Trey. Why am I being mean to Jade? She is my best friend. What have I done? Shit. I have to apologize. No Bray you don't. She is just an ugly, lame, bitchy,jerk. Fuck that bitch. What am I saying? I'm the bitch. B. Bitch. No wonder. Ugh. I'm horrible. Who needs her? She is just a needy little pussy licker. Ugh. I don't know. You know those little people on everybody's shoulders? The ones who argue the good and bad decisions for you and whisper them in your ear? Well I think I have them right now. Except I can't tell which one is which. Ugh.

I am sitting alone at the bus stop. Alone. Then Jade walks up. With Trey. Why is she with Trey? Little slut. She probably fucked him. Why would she do that to me? She knows I love him. Fucking jerk.

"Hey J-slut why don't you and your jerk ass get the fuck outta here with your fuck buddy with you. Why don't ya?" She started to cry. Serves the slut right.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?" She continued to cry. "You are my fucking best friend! I have done everything for you! I let you stay at my house! I fucking love you so fucking much! You are like family! What the hell did I ever fucking do to you to deserve the shit you putting me through? I mean seriously!?! What the fuck did I do to you!?!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Seriously?

"What the hell am I talking about? What the hell am I talking about? Your seriously asking me what I'm talking about? Don't leave me Braedon. Please don't leave me. You know what I've been through. I don't want to lose you. Your all I have. I'm losing you. Your drifting away. Please dont leave me. Your leaving me. Over what? Some stupid guy? Seriously? No guy means more to me than you do. Nobody means more to me than you do. So don't you dare ask me what I'm talking about. Don't even fucking try it. Cause you know god damn what I'm talking about!" Damb. Shit. What the fuck did I do? Had I forgotten how fragile she is? How could I? I started to cry. "Don't you fucking cry! Don't you fucking cry! I should be the one crying! You, you fucking bitch! B the bitch. Huh. Works. Stop fucking crying! You don't deserve to cry! Nothing happened to you! I just lost my best friend! My only friend! You haven't lost anything! Cause obviously I don't mean anything to you! So stop mother fucking crying!" She's right I don't deserve to be crying.

"Your right. But don't fucking think you don't mean shit to me. Cause that's a god damn lie. Okay?"


"You heard me." I hadn't noticed but Trey was watching the whole time. His mouth dropped open.

"Bray..." I went and hugged her really tight. We cried into each other.

"Jade. I love you."

"I love you too B."

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