Chapter 28

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Time for lunch. I can't sit with B cuz ya' know. 'We can't ruin the plan.' I guess I'll sit alone. Just me and my good old friend. My dumbass phone. Hey I wonder if B got her phone back. I guess Chase wouldn't find out if I texted her.

Me:B ur hella lucky u don't hav 2 b alone @ lunch I'm stuck with this bitch named Alcatel and this crappy ass shit tha school tries to call food

This bish better text back. Text back! Text back! Text back! I'm chanting in my head. Great. I'm gonna spam her. I'll wait a minute. No I can't wait I'm so lonely. Lol for what? Five minutes? What ever I'm gonna text her again.

Me: text back bish

Me: hello!

Me: ugh!

Me:bruh -_-

Me: omfg ur a fuckin terd

Me: B

Me: B!

Me: imma take a nap

I really am. I know I seem crazy for texting her so many times but we do this all the time. Anyways I really am gonna take a nap besides I ain't gonna eat this shit. It literally tastes like shit. I didn't bother even getting into line. I just went to a vacant table in the corner of the cafeteria and took a nap.

>> He is so handsome. His grease is so shiny. I could just eat him up. I'm so glad I'm marring him. He just looks so...delicious. So...irresistible. Daum my man is sexy and so fine. He stood right in front of me so thin so...delicious. Then right before I say 'I do' instead its " Ops. Sorry folks you can go home now. The groom is dead. Sorry I ate him." What? My husband was bacon.

I woke up but kept my eyes shut. What the fuck kind of dream was that? I have some fucked up imagination. When I opened my eyes I saw Chase. He was just staring at me. A goofy smile plastered across his face.

"What?" I am wondering why he was looking at me like that. Why is he here? Was he watching me sleep?

He looked into my eyes. "Nothing..." He looked away then looked back. "Your beautiful when you sleep...not that you aren't beautiful when your awake...your always beautiful. Wait. I just said that out loud. Ugh. I was watching you sleep. wasn't...that's creepy... I definitely wasn't watching you sleep...why were you moaning and saying 'bacon baby...I love you...'?" What the fuck just happened? Did Chase Anderson just word vomit? Verbal diarrhea? Seriously? Wait. I was moaning? 'bacon baby...I love you...' What. The. Fuck?


"Forget over half of what I just said. Really though. What the hell was with the moaning and the bacon?"

"You were watching me sleep?" I kinda half smiled at that.

"Well...kinda... I meant no...that's creepy...I'm not creepy...I don't do that. I'm talking too much I'm just gonna shut up now. You are so beautiful though. Ummm... I didn't say that. Okay Chase just shut the fuck up. Your gonna scare the girl away. She is probably already scared. I'm talking to myself. Ugh. Shut up. Okay I'm not gonna talk anymore." I repeat. What. The. Fuck?

"Ummm... Chase? Your sweating..."

"I am? No I'm not. Its just raining. Yeah. Its raining. That's it."

"Ummm... Chase... Its hot as fuck and we're inside and stop embarrassing your self. Will ya'?

"Yea...sure...okay..." What the hell happened to Chase? This is definitely not the Chase I know. Who cares? I like him better.

" were watching me sleep. Please no word vomit or verbal diarrhea. Just a straight answer. Please. Goodness your gonna give me a heart attack taking so fast. I feel like an old lady. Like a grandma or somethin'."

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