Chapter 39

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I had to wear a sling on my arm because I hit it on the floor apparently. So the bus ride was awkward for me. When I get there...

Wow. That's all I can say is wow. Well...I can say woah but still.

"Woah, Chase." I choose to use woah.


"Your" His house is beautiful. I mean really. Its huge too. Its

"I know..." He didn't seem so happy about it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." He said quickly.

"Okay...if anything ever bothers you, you can talk to me. Okay?" I said as I pecked his cheek.

"I'm fine babe."

"I know but still." I don't know for certain but whatever. Imma find out sooner or later.

"Follow me." He look my good hand and led me up a gigantic flight of stairs.

"Damb. How many fucking stairs you got? I mean seriously. I work out but still." I covered my mouth with my free hand and blushed. I never tell people I work out. I mean I haven't in five days but still. On Tuesday I didn't get a chance to work out. Today is Saturday. So yea. Five days.

"You never answered my question." He said and I looked at him in confusion.

"What question?"

"What was Trey talking about back in the kitchen?" Oh. That question.

"Oh. Uh. Ummm..."

"Jade, don't faint again but seriously what was he talking about?"

"Uhhh...long story..."

"I have plenty of time."

"Ugh. Really? Your an ass."

"You know you like my ass." I gave him a flat look.

"If I liked your ass I woulda touched it when you were asking me who had a fatter ass you or Jenna. You said 'Feel it.' I was like 'Fuck no.' Like seriously? I mean who likes ass? Its where-" He cut me off.

"Your rambling again. Look here's your room. I hope you like it. Braedon helped." My mouth dropped open.

"Wow." Seriously? This room is awesome. The bed, wow. Memory foam. This is way better than my house. There is a white dresser with a mirror built into it. There is Victoria's Secret products lined up on it. Light bue curtains. I opend the curtains but struggled. Great view. Huged feather stuffed pillows. Posters on the wall. Rock. I love rock music. There was Linkin Park, Cold, Good Charlotte, and Bullet for my Valentine. This room is great. The floor is super fluffy. There are blue comforters played neatly on the bed. I walked to the closet.

"Jade wait I didn't-" I opened the closet which was surprisingly easy. "Get any clothes. I don't know your size. Neither does B."

"Its cool. I love the room. B did a great job with the perfume. I didn't tell her what kind I like and she did perfect."

"B didn't get the perfume..."

"Oh? Who did?"

"I did..."

"I definitely didn't tell you what kind I like."

"I smelled the pefumes and I knew which ones to get..."

"How?" I asked skeptically.

"I grabbed the ones that smelled like you..."

"You know what I smell like?" Creepy but cute.

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