Chapter 26

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Author's Note
I have 26 chapters! Lol. I made two author's notes chapters that were probably unnecessary and confusing. Lol. I guess I'll write the chapter now.

Class got out and I wanted to talk to B but I have to stick to plan. Man was Chase pissed. He stormed out of the princable's office. He saw Trey kiss B on the forehead. Witch was kinda cute. Then...well we knew it was gonna happen but...either B is a really good actor or she's literally about to shit her pants. I think whoever made the saying "scared shitless" has ever been scared. Or else that person wouldn't have made that saying. Well...what I'm saying is Chase was coming towards them. Full on rage mode. He is like REALLY fucking pissed. Whatever plan he had, our plan was ruining it. It is pissing him off. Good for the plan. Bad for Trey's face.

As Chase got to them he punched Trey. Hard. In the face. For a thin guy, Chase sure damn had so muscle. Fucking fine ass hoe. Dammit. I still like him. I also still find him attractive. Even though he a thirsty ass hoe.

"Stop!" B screamed. This was not suppose to happen. could help but...I don't know. I'm not so sure. She wasn't suppose to scream. could help the plan actually. It could get him back to the princable's office quicker. Good job B. Keep it up. Time for me to bud in. Ugh I hate this. I mean its payback but...he is scary when he's mad.

I came up to Chase and rubbed his back. "Hey babe. He's not worth it. He's a fucking piece of shit, and so is the slut he's holding." I spat in B's direction. He had to believe I was still mad at her. I can tell the words hurt both of them and the winced as the words came out. I felt like I spit fire. I felt cold. Evil. It was all part of the plan. Keep it cool JJ. Keep it cool.

"Why the hell are you calling me babe? Obviously you hated my kiss."

"I had to pretend I hated it so I wouldn't get in trouble. I'm sorry you had to get in trouble but you should have saved it for after class. Your fault." I said in an innocent tone and smiled. "Come here babe." I grabbed his neck and pulled his face to mine and pecked his lips. He smiled.

"Its okay...babe..." Then he pulled my face to his and he kissed me. Passionately. It felt so good. I really wish it was out of love instead of greed. But I still had to play the part so...I kissed back. I honestly enjoyed the kiss...more than I was suppose to. Honestly it was to make up for what I have wanted to do since well...since forever. It seems greedy and selfish. It also seems like I'm using him. Well...he used me and it is part of the plan. I was just satisfying my needs. More like wants but yea i have wanted to kiss him since like forever. Besides he deserved to be used. Fucking basterd.

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