Chapter 42

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"You stayed." Trey said after kissing her again.

"I stayed." She said and smiled.

I looked at Chase. He pulled me towards him being careful of my arm and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"Will you ever leave me?" I asked.

"I stayed this long." He said.

"I love you." I said and he kissed me again.

"I love you too."

"Can we go to Safeway now?"

"Yes. Shit I gotta get the pizza."

"Lets go lovebirds." I said.

>>20 minutes later>>
"So Jade what are you trying to get?" Trey asked.

"For her to know and us to find out." Chase and B said at the same time.

"Yea. They don't know but that's what I told them."

"Wow. Okay."

>>1 hour later>>
We sat down in the living room as Chase sat the pizza on the table and Trey sat the root beer and vanilla ice cream on the coffe table.

"All that trouble just for a root beer float." Trey said.

"I've been craving it for hella long don't judge. Plus it goes with pizza."

"Please tell me you're still a virgin." B said.

"Dude I'm not preg."

"Well I'm just saying you seem...bigger..."

"You callin me fat?"



"Here's the cups." Chase said as he walked in. I didn't even notice him leave.

"How the fuck am I gonna eat? Shit."

"Slow down fat ass Chase can feed you. Just kidding." She added at the end when she saw me glare.


"You know it."

"Shut up."

"You guys. Jade your beautiful. B stop it." Cause said.

"Fine." She said and I smiled then stuck my tongue at her like a 10 year old. "I hate you."

"I love you too."

Author's Note
Believe it or not this story is almost over. One more chapter. I am deciding not to do Chase and Trey's sides of this story but for the sequel I am writing their side because its crucial to the story line. The next book is going to be full of more action and something that I'm not going to tell you. I hope you like this. I'm so happy to finally be coming close to an end of this story. Hope you enjoyed. ☺

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