Chapter Thirty Three

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"So then I told him he could take his fancy jewels and shove them-"

I sighed heavily. "Rona, what does this story have to do with Cal?"

Rona finished up folding a towel and looked at me with an oblivious expression. "It doesn't," she shrugged. "We're not talking about you we're talking about me."

   I rolled my eyes. I turned to my vanity and picked up my brush. I started combing through my honey colored hair. My large hazel eyes were sunken into my tan face and I looked awful. I was starting to miss home terribly. I missed dancing and I missed being.

   The palace was draining me.

  A knock on the door tore me from my thoughts. Maomi went to open it and I expected to see Cal. Ready to have him grovel for forgiveness I sat up in my chair and lifted me. I only deflated a little bit when Zelli and Maria walked in. Although, my mood shifted quickly when I saw the basket.

"I brought junk food." Zelli said. "You look like you need some junk food."

"And nail polish!" Maria added in her silky accent. "To paint our nails!

I smiled.

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