Chapter Twenty Nine

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The morning light peeked through the cracks and holes of the walls of the barn. I had a hammering headache that came and went every few seconds. My body was tight and achy but somehow I felt splendid. I was on top of the world. Well...

I actually really had to pee.

I felt Cal stir beside me and I shut my eyes quickly. I didn't care how bad I had to be, I wanted to pretend that I was wasted just a little longer. I wanted to pretend that this was totally alright for just a tiny bit longer before I had to go back and face the real world.

Because the real world has some collateral damage that needs to be fixed.

"I already know you're awake." Cal whispered. "Don't even bother."

I groaned and turned my head so my face was buried in his arm. His shirt sleeve smelled like fresh linen. "I'm tired."

"We have to get back to the palace before anyone notices."

I lifted my head slightly and looked up at the hole in the ceiling. "At the crack of dawn?" I made a face at him before sinking back into the hay, which was old comfortable, and pulled his suit jacket over my head. "Get the Hell out of here."

He let out a deep and quiet chuckle. He wrapped his arms around my waist and bent down to whisper in my ear. I felt a thrill wake me up. "You can't stay here all day."

I really had to freaking pee.

I groaned deeply and tried to fall back asleep. Cal moved my hair to the side and kissed the back of neck. They were feather like kisses over my shoulders, then down my arms...

I shot up. "We're not drunk anymore, that's not ok."

Not like I was complaining but...

"Technically, it's only been a few hours. Alcohol has not fully left your system until it's been at least a full day."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get technical with me, you smart ass."

Cal shrugged and stood up. "Well, you're awake now aren't you?

I took his hand and he pulled me up. I picked hay from my hair and made a face when I threw it to the floor. "yeah, well."

He chuckled a pulled out another piece. "You look rather angelic while you sleep." he raised any eyebrow. "It's a huge contrast to your usually haughty behavior while you're awake."

I punched his shoulder and he laughed. Ignoring his comment I said, "When we go back..."

Cal nodded. He waved his head around. "Right now there's still that bit of fuzz. Let's wait a while until it wears off."

We laughed.

"How about we make a deal," Cal stepped towards me and took my hands in his. "When we're back in the palace everything goes back to normal."

I nodded my agreement but ignored the strange piercing feeling in my chest. it was so foreign I blamed it on the alcohol. "Deal. We were drunk."

Cal nodded. "Yes. But here," he gestured around the barn. "Is our safe zone."

"Safe zone?"

"Anything is fair game here."

That made me feel strangely giddy.

"It means that we're free here, no matter what. And whatever happens-"

"Whatever happens," I finished. "Will never affect what happens in the palace."

Cal nodded but I couldn't read the strange expression on his face. "Exactly."

I looked at his hands holding mine and held on tightly. They were the only thing keeping me glued to the ground. "So anything is ok here?"

Cal nodded. "Anything is ok here."

I slipped my hand into his hair and brought his mouth down to mine. Technically, we're both still a little joke so this is alright. Plus, I don't know how long it will be until we kiss again so I'm going to make this worth the while. I pulled away and darted towards the door.


"Mil wait I-!"

I was already laughing, running up the hill back the palace as the sun kissed all of Illea. It rose slowly. I made it to my room first and I was lucky the palace halls were empty. I opened my door and saw dad's letter on the floor. I swallowed. I walked over to my desk, grabbed a pen, and paper, and started.

Dear Dad,

I had one Hell of a birthday...... 

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