Chapter Forty Two

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   We were half way through speeches and I swore if I had to sit through one more long ass speech I was going to kill somebody. Then finally when it was my turn to speak on behalf of the Royal Family I squeezed Zelli's hand so hard I think I broke a few of the bones in her poor hand.

I'll have to apologize later.

   All of the Selected ladies gave short and brief statements about their time in the palace, what we're doing about the issue down South, and how our patriotism is the muse behind everything we do.

Kill. Me. Now.

   I stepped up to the podium and tried not to let everyone see how bad I was shaking. Judging by Cal's calm look and the stupid half smile on his face I was doing pretty well at just that. His stupid half smile was annoying the Hell out of me but it did wonders for my nerves.

   I looked down at the speech we had worked on together. It was short and cute and not at all Mil but that wasn't what we were going for. Cal knew I wanted no part in this political nonsense and yet somehow I couldn't bring myself to say the words on the page.

"Good evening everyone," I began. I smoothed out the paper in front of me and opened my mouth to read the next sentence. "We are gathered together this evening to..."

   I stopped. I didn't know what it was, the twisting feeling in my stomach or my subconscious glaring at this crap speech, that kept me from continuing. I looked up at Cal suddenly panicking because I froze. No one seemed to pick up on my momentary pause but Cal did.

Cal knows me inside out.

   He frowned and gestured for me to continue so I looked down at the page. Suddenly the words meant nothing and they looked like a blob of black on a crisp white paper. I looked up again at the mesh of dazzling and sparkling colors and the faces of the most influential people on this side of the planet.

  I cleared my throat. Taking the paper I crumpled it up in my hands and I could tell it turned some heads. The sound of crumpling paper hit the microphone in front of me and bounced off the vaulted ceilings of the room we were in.

If I was going to give a speech I was going to make it one Hell of a show.

From there I just let the words flow.

"I had a speech prepared but now I don't think I'm going to go with that." Instead of looking at faces I kept my eyes glued to the nothingness beyond the palace walls. "We are all here tonight because we have one common denominator and that is our country. Our home. That's Illea."

I look down for a moment. "When I first I arrived at the palace I was not exactly lady like per say about the situation." It takes everything in me not to laugh. "In fact, I was quite a brat about the whole thing. But you know I didn't realize what I was gaining by being here.

"I was gaining an understanding of my home, more than what I had before. I realized just how lucky I am to live in a country that is not only as great as mine but with such amazing rulers." I glanced at Cal but didn't dare look at him much longer. "The Royals you see here are not the Royals you see behind closed doors.

"The Royals behind closed doors love to laugh and they fight about stupid sibling rivalries and who gets to sit where at the dinner table. The Royals behind closed doors kiss and hug all the time and they remind each other how much they love each other. The people we have ruling our country are exactly that- people.

"They kind, and honest, and generous and modest. They spend countless sleepless nights worrying about each other and every person living within their borders as if they were their own kin. Illea's problems are their problems." I look down at my fingers a moment before sweeping my eyes across the crowd. "They sacrifice so much for us. I didn't know you could so deeply love someone you did not know the way this family does. They love every single one of us and they do whatever they can to give us the best life possible. And that sometimes means putting our needs above their own."

   I thought of how the Queen went down south knowing the danger. And even though she came out alright the reality was was that she could have gotten very sick and even died. I thought of the work load on Cal's shoulders and I thought about how deeply this family really truly loves each other.

    I thought of the Selection and all the wonderful girls here. I thought about how any one of them would be absolutely blessed to be married into a family of people like this, royal or not. I thought about how I Milada Lorenz could possibly be so lucky.


"The Selection is a priceless educational experience not just for the mind," I said. "But for the soul too. I am very lucky to be here, very happy, and would be blessed beyond words to be fortunate enough," i dare glanced at Cal. "To stay as long as possible.

"So none of you should worry. Our home is in good hands."

It always has been and always will be.





Do not hate me. I know that I've been horrible lately but I've just been feeling so withdrawn. Mil has stopped speaking to me and so have you guys.

I miss you guys!

Please come back. I can't write without your guiding light. I miss you all so much!

As for the Illean Lady I'm finishing it today and might not continue with the planned two sequels. But for now enjoy this. I wish I could write more because I have so much planned but I'm just not so sure anymore. I have soo many characters now that the Selection is down to its last few that are going to be introduced in future books but I might have to pause and break.

We'll see.

I love you all as endlessly as the stars in the sky.

XOXO Lilly

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