Magic Spawn: Chapter 2

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by Meredith Skye

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A chill went through Kyran, as the breeze kicked up some wilting leaves and swirled them past the porch. He hesitated there, not wanting to go inside, apprehensive of the inevitable unwanted interaction of relatives.

As they'd arrived at home, Kyran knew that their crazy, aunt Aldena had come to visit them. He'd never liked Aldena, though he wasn't sure why. She was never unkind to him. Often, she took him along with Rian for ice cream. Aldena loved Rian and showered him with attention. She'd take him traveling with her, for days and sometimes for weeks. Aunt Aldena loved to travel.

Kyran didn't get this same treatment, but there were always present from her on his birthday and Christmas.

No, it was the way she looked at him-cautious, watchful, judging. She didn't trust him; didn't like him. Likewise, Kyran felt cautious towards her.

It was just that ... Kyran wasn't sure what it was.

The door opened and Aldena spotted him standing there on the porch. "Kyran?" she said expectantly, as though some explanation for his behavior needed to be supplied.

"Yes?" he said, folding his arms and frowning. He wasn't sure why he felt so defensive around her.

"Is everything all right?" she asked, stepping out onto the porch. He wished she'd leave him alone. Needless chitchat. Anyway, how could Everything be all right? That seemed impossible, yet people still expected to be told that. Everything was not all right. He hated school. He hated the kids there and they hated him. Home, at least, was a sanctuary of sorts. Though even here his own brother sometimes teased him.

He sighed. "I'm fine." It was the only thing he could say that would make an adult shut up.

But Aunt Aldena was no ordinary adult. She studied him carefully, as though she could somehow read his thoughts. "You seem unhappy about something," she said.

"Why should I have to be ..." happy about everything ... is what he meant to say, but caught himself. Asking things like that only prolong unwanted conversations. Counterproductive.

"I'm not abnormally unhappy," said Kyran, trying to salvage the conversation before it got away from him. "I ... had a bad day at school." Something had to be said, and that seemed the most innocuous thing to say.

"Trouble with the other kids?" she asked, as though not surprised.

"Yes, they always tease me," he said. Did she really understand?

"What did you do to them?"

"Nothing!" he blurted out. She didn't understand, after all. Almost, he thought she might be helpful. She was blaming it on him. "It's not my fault. Those kids are mean!"

"Did you hurt them?" An accusation.

"No, of course not!"

"But, you thought about it?"

He stared at her. Of course he'd thought about it-but they outnumbered him. "I just want them to leave me alone."

She studied him. He felt as though he was on trial. Why did she care?

"Like I could-they're bigger than me!" he muttered and tried to get past her to the door, but she blocked him.

She set her hand on his shoulder, partly it felt like a warning, though she probably meant to comfort him. "Kyran, it's important that you control your temper." She said this in a solemn manner.

Why didn't she tell Rian that? He was the one who always got into fights. He was the one at the principal's office at least once a week. Mouthing off to teachers. Pranks. Rule-breaking. On the other hand, Kyran never got into trouble. He obeyed the rules. He did what he was told, at least, as he interpreted it.

"I do control my temper," Kyran argued.

"Good," she said. Only then did she give him a smile. "Tell Rian I'll meet him at the campground. I'm bringing Anya."

Her foster daughter. Kyran peered at the car in the driveway and saw Anya's face in the window. She waved. He waved back.

"Okay," said Kyran. He wriggled away from his aunt and escaped into the house.


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