Magic Spawn: Chapter 34

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by Meredith Skye

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A few large stones tripped Rian, but he caught himself and kept going through the dark towards the lake. He paused, listening for the sounds of pursuit. He took a moment to catch his breath. In the distance, he could hear his uncle, Daren calling for him.

As if he'd go back, so they could arrest him! Not a chance!

Not with all that was at stake.

Once Rian gone about a mile, he slowed down a little. Now, he was far enough that he didn't hear any sign of pursuit. He switched the lantern on. It illuminated only the beach and the edge of the water. Darkness hid the forest to his left and the meadow.

Rian had to get back home. Maybe find Aldena. All his Gondorian Warrior friends seemed useless and Rian needed help, because he didn't know what to do next. At least he still had the magic sword at his side. He left the beach and headed into the forest, finding a small path that lead through the meadow towards his house. He'd walked these woods many times and knew them inside and out.

He turned off the electric lantern. Better to travel in the dark for now. He walked for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. The house was close now, it had to be.

Suddenly, something hit him hard on the head from behind. He lost his footing, and the lantern, and hit the ground, rolling. For a moment, he lay there, dazed.

"Rian?" said a familiar female voice.

"Aldena?" he asked, still recovering his senses. Aldena packed a mean punch.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I didn't see you clearly."

He shook his head. It was a good thing she didn't take a swipe at him with her sword. She had one strapped to her belt, and it wasn't decorative. She held her hand out to him. "I've been looking for you."

Rian got to his feet; his head was clearing. Picking up the lantern, he flipped it on.

"Where is the boy?" demanded Aldena, glancing at the dark behind Rian.

It was like Kyran was no longer a person any more. "He has a name," said Rian, angry. She stared at him, impatiently. "He ran off when we were attacked. I don't know where he is," said Rian.

"Attacked, by whom?"

"A woman. She called herself Ehina. She said she's an Arlunni Enforcer. It looks like your spell worked."

"Just one," questioned Aldena. "There was no one with her?"

"I didn't see anyone else," said Rian. "Should there be?"

Aldena looked troubled. "They should have sent a whole squad! One lone Enforcer won't be enough. Why didn't you bring her here?"

"She wants to kill Kyran!" said Rian. Aldena merely stared at him in annoyance, as if that though didn't phase her at all.

"We need help!" said Aldena, grabbing Rian's arm. She had an iron grip. "Molan is dangerous. We don't have a chance without the Arlunni!" She released him.

Rian rubbed his head, feeling tired. The events of the day made his head swim. "Like you'd know! What are you saying—that the Seven Worlds of Cathal really do exist?"


"I just thought they were stories that you and Dad made up!"

She shook her head.

"And Molan is from there." Something here didn't quite add up. Rian tried to put the pieces together. "But then ... you knew about Kyran?"

His aunt nodded. "Yes."

"And it's true that he is a ... magic-spawn?"

"Yes," she admitted. "She must have told you that—the Arlunni. Naturally, I've watched him carefully through the years, for any signs of ... abnormality."

Watched him? Rian shivered. "And if you had seen some sign then, what would you have done?"

"Whatever I must." Her eyes were hard.

Anger sparked inside Rian at the thought of Aunt Aldena, whom he'd trusted and loved as a close friend—monitoring his brother in such a callous fashion. "What does that mean? You'd slit his throat?"

Aldena simply stared at him, but he saw the answer in her eyes: she would have slit his little brother's throat! Rian felt nauseated. He turned away. "And what about mother? What would you have told her? How would you explain that you had murdered her son?" He faced Aldena defiantly.

"I talked your mother into keeping him," she said at last.

"As opposed to what?" persisted Rian, but suddenly he felt cold. Perhaps he shouldn't pursue this line of questioning.

"We should get going," said Aldena, impatiently, motioning vaguely towards the darkness that hid the house.

"No," said Rian. "I want to know. As opposed to what?" he demanded.

"She wanted to throw him in the lake."

Drown him? Rian felt stunned. He couldn't imagine mother would do that, however distraught she might become.

Just couldn't be true.

He stared at his aunt Aldena then, with her whacky, steampunk leather corset, decorated with metal gears and her leather gauntlets that made her look like someone from the Hunger Games, and her monocle. She'd always dressed oddly. Out of place and time. He'd liked that about her.

But now, standing there in the dark with all that had happened that night, she suddenly seemed strange, and utterly alien. How could she stand there with such a passive face and tell him such things!

"That's a lie!" he yelled at her.

"I'm not lying," insisted Aldena.

No one would do such a thing—not to his little brother. Rian shoved Aldena backwards over an out-hanging branch, deliberately tripping her.

"I don't have to listen to this!" he screamed at her. Then he ran.

The fog and darkness lent a surreal feeling to the scene. None of it could be real! Was this some nightmare? Were all the people he loved going to turn out to be monsters?

Rian sprinted, putting distance between him and the insanity.


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