Magic Spawn: Chapter 7

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by Meredith Skye

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Back at the campground, Zane double-parked his shiny new car. He was dressed in his expensive, Spanish medieval tunic and cape, looking a little like a conquistador. But his sunglasses clashed with his outfit.

"Zane's here!"

The others dropped what they were doing and gathered around Zane, as if he were a light and they were moths, including the biker babes.

Rian held back. Something about Zane annoyed him ... or maybe it was everything about Zane annoyed him. Even Anya smiled at him.

"Hey, Zane, what's up?" asked Edward.

"Wouldn't miss it," said Zane, all charm. Then he spotted Katia and Triss. "What are you two doing here?"

"Bringing a little class to your group," smiled Katia.

"This isn't dress-like-a-pirate day," said Zane, referring to their pirate outfits.

"No, it's Halloween," said Katia smoothly.

"Yes, a day when even normal people dress in costumes," said Triss, implying that the Gondorian warriors weren't quite normal.

"Why don't you take your girlfriend and go celebrate the holiday with your own kind?" Zane said, rudely.

Katia and Triss exchanged a glance and both stormed off without a word and got on their bikes.

"Zane, what is wrong with you?" asked Edward.

"Those girls are nothing but trouble. What will it do to our reputation?" asked Zane.

Edward shrugged. "I don't know ... I think it would be all right." He watched them as the girls drove off.

As Edward and Ray clustered around Zane, their voices dropped a bit. He saw them glance his way and laugh. Rian burned with irritation. Ever since Zane joined the group a few years ago--it hadn't been as much fun.

Reluctantly, Rian joined the others. "Hi Rian," said Zane.

"Hi Zane," Rian responded, with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Rearin' to get started, eh?" He always had a tone of superiority.

"You're late."

"What do you care?"

Rian didn't. He wasn't sure why it bothered him, except that the other guys wouldn't do anything without Zane. "So, you're here, let's get started," Rian said impatiently.

"I'm in charge," insisted Edward. They all looked at him. "And I say ... We get started." Edward turned and headed for the pavilion. Everyone else followed.

As they entered the tent, Grandma Baggins and Harlan followed them in.

"Okay," said Edward, spreading a map of the town on the table. "We'll split up to cover more ground."

Ray started to say something but Edward interrupted him. "No, you don't get to patrol near the Arcade."

Ray made a face. "I can see a lot from--"

"No, you can't. We're here to work, not play." Hearing such seriousness from Edward was almost a contradiction.

"It's not like this is the inner city. I doubt we'll have a motorcycle gang descend on Millersfield to spoil our Halloween," Ray said petulantly.

"No, but there have been problems in the past," said Edward. "And our kids deserve to trick-or-treat in peace."

After an awkward pause, he quickly added, "Not that we have kids. Well, Grandma Baggins did, once, but I mean ... There are kids in town .... And we were once kid too, you know. And I feel that trick-or-treating is important."

Rian was ready to do a face-palm about now. Edward wasn't a public speaker. Rian may not be as well-liked in the group, but at least he didn't prattle on. "Yes, yes, we know," Rian said impatiently. "Let's get on with it."

"Fine," said Edward. "Just trying to rally everyone's team spirit and so forth."

"Yeah, relax, Rian," said Zane. "What is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem," said Rian. "I just want to get started."

"That's enough," said Edward sternly. "Rian, you patrol near the Firehall. Ray, you're near the movie theater. Zane, you're over near the high school. I'll take Main Street. Grandma Baggins will stay at base camp with the radio."

"Roger that," said Grandma Baggins. She loved this kind of thing.


Listen to Meredith Skye's radio interview held on Friday, October 30th, 2015!



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