Day one

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Hi, my name is Maria Louise Hansen and I'm currently at the airport. You might wonder what a fifteen year old is doing here or where I'm going but I just got off a thirteen hour flight. Im gonna live here in Seattle for the next ten months since I'm an exchange student from Norway. I'm super excited about it, I mean ten months away from my family. The two women I'm going to live with are picking me up here, Maya and Carina. I've never seen them before so I have no idea what they look like, all I know is that one have blonde hair and the other one have brown.

"Maria Louise?"I hear someone say. It's a woman's voice. Suddenly i feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around.

"Hi I'm Maya". I instantly relaxed. She had her blonde hair up in a ponytail, and wore blue jeans and a gray sweater. She wasn't too tall, quite short to be honest. Next to her stood a tall brunette with black pants and a white shirt. They both smiled warmly.

"This is Carina, my wife".

"Hi Maria, it's so nice to meet you. How was your flight?" The brunette said with an Italian accent.

"It was okay". I quietly said in the middle of the crowd.

"Good. How about we get out of here?" She asked sensing my nervousness. With my nod we were on our way out, Maya carrying my luggage. When we got to the car both Carina and Maya put my luggage in the trunk. They have a freaking Porsche. Carina started driving while Maya was in the passenger seat, an awkward silence falling upon us.

I just sat there in the backseat staring out of the window. It was so different than from home. It was just buildings, water and roads everywhere, I could barely see a tree. I mean we're I'm from there are large fields, farms and lots of trees everywhere.

"How are you liking the U.S. so far Maria?" The blonde asked from her seat.

"Uhm okay. Different". I answered. God Maria pull it together. Dette klarer du. (You can do this) Why do I need to be so nervous.

"I could imagine".

And there it was again, the awkward silence. It lasted all the way "home" I suppose. It's weird, calling another place home. Although home isn't very homey and friendly.

"Okay, here we are". Carina said from the front. I looked out of the window and saw an apartment complex. It looked nice, a little playground on the side. We walked up the stairs to apartment 7. Both Maya and Carina helped me with my bags.

"Welcome to your new home." The American said. The apartment felt warm, with pictures on the wall and bookshelf's. In the kitchen there was racks of drying pasta I think? It felt homey.

"Here is your room". Carina said as we were walking down the hallway. Inside the room was a double bed, a desk and a dresser. It was also a door leading into the bathroom. My own bathroom, how cool isn't that?

"We can go to the store and buy some decorations and stuff this week if you want". The blonde spoke up for behind me.

"This is perfect. I have my own bathroom".

"Isn't that normal?" Maya said confused.

"Not where I'm from, it's very rare". I quietly said.

"Are you hungry Maria?" Carina asked. I shook my head.

"No, I just ate on the plane". Truth is yes, I'm a little hungry but I'm too scared to eat. Stupid social anxiety. When Im nervous I get nauseous, even though I know it's just a feeling and I'm not gonna throw up, I just can't eat. And I hate eating in front of new people, I get so scared.

"Okay well we will be in the living room, you can unpack a little if you want? And I'm sure you're probably a little tired too". She answered.

"Okay, thanks". They then walked out the room and closed the door. I sat down on the bed just thinking about how much my life just changed. For ten months I get to be here. For ten months I can be free and have fun before I go back to Norway. After a few minutes I started to unpack. I put all my clothes in the dresser and toiletries in the bathroom. I organized my makeup and put it on the desk with a little mirror. Lastly I put a picture of me and my best friend on the nightstand along with a few books. When I was done it was five pm. There was a knock on my door and in came Maya. She walked over to the bed and sat down.

"How are things going?" She asked with a smile.

"Okey". I simply said.

"Who's this?" She said looking towards the picture on my nightstand.

"My best friend, Nora".

"How long have you've been friends?"

"Since first grade".

"Wow, that's a long time. You miss her?"

"A little".

"I get that. It looks nice in here." I simply smiled.

"I meant what I said earlier. We can get you some more decorations and stuff. Maybe a bigger mirror". She said looking towards the desk.


"You don't have to be nervous Maria. You're gonna live with us for the next ten months. It's your home now too". I didn't know what to say.

"Carina just started on dinner, you like pizza?"


"Me too, what's your favorite type of pizza?"

"Pepperoni I think".

"That's a good choice. What about pineapple on pizza?" I just shook my head.

"Haha good because I don't know what Carina would say to that. Italians right?" She then started laughing which made me start laughing.

"What are you two laughing at?" Carina said from the doorway.

"Nothing". Maya quickly said while I giggled.

"Dinner's ready". I immediately stopped giggling, my heart beating faster.

"We'll be out in a second". Maya said.

"You okay?" She said seeing my slightly more paler face.

"Mhm". I answered swallowing hard.

"Come on".

We walked out into the dining area. The table was set with flowers in the middle. The smell of pizza forming in the room. We all sat down and started eating. I took small bites. God I'm so nervous and nauseous.

"What's your life like in Norway bambina?" The Italian said.

"Uhm, normal?" I answered, confused by the name.

"Any sports?" She said.

"No, I did climbing before".

"Why did you stop?"Maya said taking a bite from her pizza slice.


"Ohh, you never started again after everything opened up?" I only shook my head.

"Do you miss it?" Carina asked.


"Any hobbies?"

"Mhm no not really". I answered honestly.

"Is there anything you like to do?" The blonde asked from her seat.

"Watch the stars maybe".

"You like stars?"

"Mhm, they're so pretty and shiny. And who knows what else is hiding behind them".

"That's true". After we were done eating Maya cleared the table and washed the dishes, while Carina was trying to make small talk. I think they both could sense my nerves. Around seven pm I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Why don't you go to bed bambina? You must be exhausted from the flight and jet lag".


"Good night". They said at the same time.

"Night". When i walked into the bedroom i breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone. I brushed my teeth and hair before I walked to my desk and sat down. I wiped off my makeup and did some skincare before I got into bed. I sent Nora a quick good night message before I was left with my thoughts. I can do this, it's only day one.

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