The day before...

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Maria's pov

I start school tomorrow and Im so nervous, my heart is beating so fast and it feels like I'm gonna throw up. Me and Hailey have been texting so knowing she'll be there calms me a little. Honestly I'm kinda excited to see her again. Oh by the way me and mom talked yesterday. We didn't talk that long, she just updated me on my siblings and wished me good luck with my first day at school. It felt nice though, that she called for the first time since I got here.

I'm trying to calm my anxiety down while listening to Taylor Swift and doing my makeup. It doesn't really work though, since I'm still overly anxious. I haven't told Maya and Carina about my anxiety. I hate when people see that I'm sad or scared so I'm trying to hold it all in, I mean I already had a panic attack and cried in front of Maya once and I'm still mortified. I just try to pretend It never happened.

"Maria?" Carina's voice pulls me out of my head.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I answered as I quickly turned around to look at her.

"I've been standing here for a while trying to get contact with you". She said worried.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was there something you needed?"

"I'm going out for lunch with a couple of friends from the hospital. Maya will be here if you need anything okay?"

"Ok, have fun". I said as she closed the door. I could hear her and Maya talking before the front door opened and closed. I got up from the chair and plopped down on the bed with a sigh. Tears were springing my eyes as I looked out of the window.

"Maria?" Maya said from the other side of the door. I quickly blinked the tears in my eyes away.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Can I come in?"


"Carina left a little while ago". The blonde said as she walked into my room.

"I heard".

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" She asked as she sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"Uhm I don't know".

"Are you nervous?"

"A little". I said.

"It's normal to be scared Maria. It's a brand new school in a new country. I know if it was me in your position I'd be really nervous". She said looking into my eyes with a knowing look. It felt like she could see right through me. I looked away, trying to blink my tears away.

"You're not alone Maria, you have me and Carina here for you. And I'm sure you've talked to your family too". At that last sentence a tear fell. God, why does she always know what to say. Pull it together Maria!

Maya stood up from the chair and walked over to my bed, sitting down next to me. I took a shaky breath still not looking at her.

"I know you're scared about tomorrow sweetheart". She pulled me in for a hug and that's when I lost the battle inside my head telling me not to cry. Sobs echoed through the apartment while she held me close. Tears were still streaming down my cheeks when I saw Carina in the doorway. I hid my face in Maya's neck while I continued to cry. I could hear them talking but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. Carina climbed into the bed and started rubbing my back. With Carina rubbing my back and Maya kissing my forehead, telling me sweet nothings I fell asleep.

Maya's pov

"What happened?" Carina asked once we were sure Maria was asleep.

"I don't know, I asked her how she felt about tomorrow and I told her it was normal to be scared and that you and I was there for her. She seemed to get sad when I told her I was sure her family was there for her too". I answered still combing my fingers through Maria's hair.

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