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Maria's pov

My first week of school went ok, I talked to a few people in my classes but I've pretty much been with Hailey the entire time. I'm still a little nervous every morning but it's so much better knowing I'll meet her. It's a sunny warm august morning and i just woke up. The apartment is quiet and the only thing you can hear is birds chirping outside. I turn over and look at the clock on my phone, 9 am. I decided to get up and shower. When I was done I did my skincare and put on makeup. I walked out of my room and saw no one. I made myself an ice coffee and got a slice of bread with peanut butter on. While I was eating I watched law and order svu, my favorite show. Around 10.30 Carina walked out of hers and Maya's bedroom.

"Good morning".

"Oh ciao good morning, I didn't know you were awake". She said walking towards me.

"Where's Maya?" I asked.


"Still?" I replied.

"Si, she had a bad night." She said while making herself an espresso.

"Is she okay?"

"She will be". I walked back to my room after cleaning the dishes. Hailey had sent me a text asking if I wanted to meet up and maybe go to the beach. I got a little anxious but said yes wanting to spend time with her. We agreed that she would come over first then we would walk together to the beach. I put on a black bikini and changed out of my pjs into a pair of light blue denim shorts and a white t-shirt.

I packed my bag with a towel, sunscreen and a sweater in case it got cold

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I packed my bag with a towel, sunscreen and a sweater in case it got cold. I walked out into the living room and put my bag down next to the door.

"Where are you going?" Carina asked looking up from her book.

"The beach with Hailey".

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know". We were interrupted by a knock on the door. I quickly opened the door and Hailey gave me a hug.

"Hi girl". She said walking into the apartment.

"Hi, let me just put on my shoes". I said kneeling down to get on my white air forces.

"Maria text me so I know where you are". Carina said walking towards us.

"I will". We started walking towards the beach while gossiping about people at school. When we got to the beach we laid out our towels before going swimming. After chilling at the beach for a few hours we decided to get something to eat.

"Tacos?" Hailey suggested.

"Mmm no".

"Ice cream?" She said smirking.

"For lunch?" I asked.


"Okay". I said laughing at her. We walked to the ice cream shop right next to the beach.

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