Relaxing day

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Maria's pov

It's 9 am and I woke up almost an hour ago. I decided to get ready for the day and put on some blue baggy jeans along with a gray sweater, i did some light makeup before going to find Carina. I could hear her all morning so I knew she was awake. When I walked into the kitchen it was shining, the whole apartment was shining to be honest.

"Carina?" I asked.

"Oh ciao good morning, did I wake you?" She said, turning around to look at me.

"Good morning and no, you didn't wake me". I replied.

"Would you like oatmeal for breakfast?" She asked turning towards the fridge.

"Yes please. Uhm is Maya back?"


"Have you heard from her?" I hesitantly said.

"No, not yet". She said while making us both oatmeal. A silence feel upon us. I texted Nora since she was still awake. We texted each other until Carina walked over to the dining table with two bowls.

"This is really good, it reminds me of when I was little".

"Thanks, it's my mama's recipe. I'm happy you like it". She said with a small smile. We ate in silence until the door opened. In walked a tired Maya with soot in her face.

"Bella". Carina immediately got up from her seat and hurried over to Maya pulling her in for a hug. They pulled apart, Carina's hands resting on Maya's cheeks.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just tired". Maya whispered.

"Do you want some food?" Carina asked concerned for her wife.

"I just wanna sleep". The blonde responded with a hoarse voice.

"Okay". Carina pulled Maya in for another hug before leading her down the hallway into their bedroom.

Carina's pov

I led Maya into our bedroom and sat her down on the bed, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I got back in the bedroom Maya was almost asleep.

"Come on Bella, let's get you showered then you can sleep". She walked into the bathroom leaning against the sink. I helped her get undressed before undressing myself, I guided Maya into the shower.

"Thanks". Maya quietly said. I just held her close while I started washing her hair.

"Ti amo"

"I love you too". When Maya was soot free, we got out of the shower. I wrapped her in a towel leading her back into the bedroom, and sat her down on the bed. I walked over to the dresser and found a t shirt and underwear. I helped her get dressed before she laid down under the covers. I quickly put my clothes back on before joining her in bed, cuddling until she fell asleep. A few minutes later I got up looking at my wife, peacefully asleep in our bed. She was alive and okay. When I walked back into the living room I couldn't see Maria. I looked over into the kitchen and saw she had cleaned up our bowls. It makes me so happy having her here, even though she's only been here a couple of days she's really warmed up to us. I knocked on her door and waited for her response, when I heard her say come in, I entered.

"Sorry for walking away when we were talking and thank you for doing our dishes". I apologized.

"It's not a problem. How's Maya?" She asked a little concerned.

"She's ok, exhausted but ok. She's sleeping now". I answered truthfully.

"That's good".

Maria's pov

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