Visiting the station

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Maria's pov
11 am

I woke up about half an hour ago but I can't get myself out of bed. I'm humiliated. Maya saw me cry and I hate when people do that. And what's worse is that Carina is working so it's only me and Maya home. I just wanna crawl under the sheets and never come back out.

"Maria, can I come in?" Shit what do I do. Maybe I could pretend to be asleep.

"I'm coming in". Fuck. I can hear her walking over to me, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I know you're awake".

"What do you want". I mumbled back.

"Are you ok?"


"Maria". She sighed.

"I'm fine, it was just a dream ok". I said sitting up looking at her.

"Just know that I'm here for you, we both are".

"Thanks". I replied looking down.

"Do you want breakfast? I'm not as good as Carina but I can make something decent". She asked me.

"Yes please". I answered with a shy smile.

"Alright, how about pancakes?"

"Sounds good". After Maya walked out of my room I got ready. I put on a pair of blue flared jeans along with the navy blue hoodie Carina got me. After getting dressed I did some makeup and put my light brown curly hair in a low bun. I walked out into the kitchen and saw Maya burning the pancakes.

"What are you doing". I said while laughing. She looked at me with wide eyes and a cheeky little smile.

"I taught you were a firefighter".

"I am".

"Your burning the pancakes". I answered laughing my ass off, Maya joining in.


"Let me help you".

After we made pancakes that wasn't burnt we sat down at the table and ate. Maya told me stories about how she and Carina met. She also told me about the Olympic gold medal. The story is so sad but the fact that she won a gold medal for a 10 000 meter sprint is insane. We talked and laughed for about an hour.

"Do you wanna meet our friends at the station? Their all on a 12 hour shift right now". Maya asked me.


"Their really nice and been looking forward to meet you ever since we told them that you were gonna stay with us". She said trying to reassure me.


"I'll be with you the whole time. And if you wanna leave we leave. Ok?" She said taking my hand.

"Yeah ok".

Ten minutes later and we were out the door. On our way there Maya told me all about them and how stupid the guys were but Ben, he was like the station's dad? When we got there we walked into the reception and was met by a woman with curly hair.

"Oh my god hi". She said giving Maya a hug.

"Vic this is Maria, our exchange student". Maya said introducing us.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you". She said looking at me with a huge smile.

"It's nice to meet you too". I replied shyly.

"Okay, how about we go up to the beanery". The three of us walked up the stairs, Vic asking me questions. When we got to the beanery everyone turned around to look at us.

"Hi everyone, I want you all to meet Maria". Maya said. Everyone came up to me and introduced themselves.

"Welcome to the family". A women named Andy said giving me a hug. We all sat down at the table, I sat in the middle of Maya and Vic.

"So how's it like living with Bishop". A guy named Jack asked me.

"Fun I guess".

"Fun? The queen of the clipboard Maya Bishop is fun to live with?" Travis said while laughing.

"Yeah, she almost burned the kitchen down this morning". I told him.

"Hey!" Maya said while everyone started laughing including me.

"Oh my god, I love this girl already". Vic said putting her arm around my shoulder.

"You have to promise me more inside information". Vic whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"No, there's nothing you need to know". Maya told Vic.

"Oh no Bishop, we need to know it all". Travis chipped in earning a slap on the shoulder from Maya.

"How do you even manage to do that Maya". Ben asked curiously.

"I don't know the pancakes just burned".

"You burned pancakes, really Maya". Andy said laughing, earning a pout from the blonde.

"So what did you eat for breakfast if you burned the pancakes". Ben asked.

"Maria kinda helped me". Her comment made me giggle.

"I love this so much". Andy said with a huge smile. Just as Maya was about to say something else a loud alarm went off. All the guys ran off leaving me, Maya, Vic and Andy alone.

"How are you liking Seattle so far?" Vic asked.

"It's nice here, really different but nice".

"What's different?" Andy asked, sitting in front of me.

"We'll back home there are large fields and lots of farmers and big forests. And the culture is different".

"What about the ocean?" Maya said.

"We'll Norway has the coast line to the north, west and south side, so we do have a lot of ocean and it's only a twenty minute drive to the beach from home".

"Do you go there a lot?" Vic asked me.

"No, not really". We talked for a while before we went home. When we got back to the apartment I walked into my room and decided to watch law and order svu. After a few hours there was a knock on my door.

"Come in".

"Hi bambina, how was your day". Carina asked from the doorway.

"It was good, we went to the station. How was your day?"

"I delivered two bambini's and had three appointments".

"Bambini's?" I asked confused.


"Ohh, that makes sense".

"I'm gonna start on dinner, wanna help?"

"Sure". We made vegetable soup together and it was so fun. When we were done eating I went back to my room and continued watching law and order. At around 10 pm I decided to get ready for bed. When I was done I sat down on my bed with the window open. The cool breeze felt nice. The stars were bright enough to see them even though it wasn't dark yet. I read a few chapters of my book before Maya and Carina came in to say good night. I got under the covers and fell asleep looking out at the sky.

Next part will be out on Friday. And please come with suggestions for future chapters.

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