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Maya's pov

I woke up at 5 am and went for my morning run. Maria arrived yesterday. She's really sweet but nervous. I just think she needs a little to get used to everything. When I got back it was almost 7 am. I walked into our bedroom and saw Carina still peacefully sleeping. I took a quick shower and changed into black skinny jeans and a T shirt. It's the beginning of august, but Seattle is a little cold. I walked out into the kitchen and made myself a smoothie, then I sat down on the couch and looked at my phone. Around 9, Carina walked into the living room. I stood up, walking over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning my love".

"Mmm good morning Bella".

"Did you sleep good?" I asked her.

"So good. Did you eat breakfast?"

"No, I made myself a smoothie a couple of hours ago".

"How about some french toast?" She suggested.

"Yes please". Carina's french toast is so delicious. I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life. Carina started making it while sipping on her espresso, of course.

"Should we wake up Maria?" I asked my beautiful wife.

"No let the bambina sleep. She must be exhausted".

"Yeah, did she seem anxious to you or just me?"

"I saw it too. When we were eating and at the airport in the crowd". She answered worried.

"Yeah and when you said dinner was ready she got pale and nervous. She took really small bites too and only one slice".

"Si, I mean she'd never met us before but she had to be hungry, after a thirteen hour flight. She seemed more nervous than a usual person would".

"I agree. We should keep our eyes out on her". I said to Carina. We both ate french toast while we continued talking.

Maria's pov

I woke up at 11 am and I'm still tired, I guess that's what a jet lag does to you. I slept for 16 hours, that's a record. After scrolling on my phone for a few minutes I got up and used the bathroom. Then I walked over to my dresser and put on a pair of black flared jeans along with a brown sweater. I sat down in front of the desk and put on some silver jewelry. After I did my skincare and makeup, I slowly walked out of my room and into the kitchen were the two wives were dancing. Carina was the first to notice me.

"Good morning Maria, how did you sleep?"

"Mhm good".

"That's good, are you hungry?"


"I can make you whatever you want". She said with a loving smile.

"Do you like french toast?" Maya chipped in.

"I don't know, never tried".

"Really?" She said.


"Do you want some bambina?"

"Carina makes the best ones".


"I'll make some right now".

"I love your outfit. You have such good style". The blonde said.

"Thank you". We both sat down at the dining table.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know".

"How about a walk? We could show you around".

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