Plans change

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Maria's pov

I sat in the armchair listening to the grown up's conversation when I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it and saw a text from Hailey.

Im so excited for tomorrow😍

Same!! Can't wait💗

I answered while smiling with excitement.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Maya whispered in my ear while smirking.

"Just excited for tomorrow." I answered before turning my attention back to the others conversation.

"So do you have any plans this weekend Maria?" Owen asked.

"Yeah my friend Hailey is coming over tomorrow and she's gonna spend the night."

"That's nice."

"Keep the alcohol locked up." Teddy said.

"You have toddlers, how can you give advice?" Carina asked.

"Myself as a teenager, I was wild."

"Honestly, not a shocker." Maya said. After talking for what felt like hours Owen and Teddy left.

The next day

Carina woke me up around nine-thirty and the three of us had breakfast together before I showered. When I was done I laid back down in bed since Hailey had gotten sick in the middle of the night and couldn't come over anymore. After an hour there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, when's Hailey coming?" Maya asked.

"She's sick so she can't come."

"Ohh, that sucks. You were both so excited." The blonde said coming over to me.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Maybe you, me and Carina could go out for lunch instead?" She suggested.

"I don't know." I answered, my heart beating faster.

"I know you think it's scary but me and Carina will be there and you don't have to eat a lot but just come along. It's good exposing therapy."

"Ok." I said barely above a whisper.

"I'm so proud of you." She said giving me a hug.

"Why don't you get ready and we'll leave in about an hour."

"Yeah, okay." The second she closed the door I threw myself back on the bed. A part of me wanted to go but another part really didn't. After laying there for a few minutes I pulled myself together and put on some makeup before changing into a pair of black flared jeans and a light blue top. When I was done I walked into the hallway where the two wives stood.

"Great, we were just about to call you." Maya said.

"You look gorgeous, bambina." Carina complimented.

"Thank you." We got in the car and drove to a nearby cafe. When we walked in the smell of baked goods immediately made me nauseous. The color in my face drained and my throat dried up.

"It's okay, just breathe." Carina whispered in my ear. She held my hand and the three of us sat down in a booth in the corner.

"You're okay bambina." Carina said putting her arm around my shoulder. After Maya ordered for us we sat there just talking, we'll mostly Maya and Carina. Things were good until we heard loud bangs.

HI GUYS!!! Sorry I haven't been posting but I've kinda lost my motivation and I've been busy recently. Leaving this short chapter on a little cliffhanger:)))

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