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Maria's pov
6 am

My alarm ranged and the day that I've been dreading ever since I got to Seattle is here, my first day of school. Im so nauseous and scared. I can hear Maya and Carina in the kitchen and I smell french toast. Honestly the smell makes me want to puke and I know I'll never be able to eat it.

"Maria, it's time to wake up". Maya said as she walked into my bedroom.


"Carina's making french toast". She said standing in the doorway. I smiled at her in reply and she closed the door. My smile quickly dropped as my nausea got even worse. I got up and went to the bathroom and changed into a white skirt and a grey tank top, I decided to throw on my navy blue Seattle hoodie on top since it was a little cold in the morning. I braided my hair in two french braids before I did my makeup. My heart is beating so fast and I'm so anxious. My phone pinged and I saw Hailey had sent me a snap. It was a picture of her in the mirror. She was wearing blue denim shorts with a pink t-shirt. She had her blonde hair in a messy bun. I sent her a picture back of my outfit before I walked out to the kitchen. Maya and Carina was kissing and dancing around again in their little bubble. They're so cute together.

"Oh ciao Maria, you look so pretty". Carina said as she was the first one to see me.

"Thank you".

"How are you feeling?" The blonde asked me.

"Uhm good a little nervous".

"Oh my god I have to go". Maya said as she saw the clock.

"You got this Maria". She quickly gave me a hug before giving Carina a kiss then she ran out the door.

"Sit down, breakfast is ready". Carina said turning to the stove. I slowly walked towards the dining table before sitting down. The the Italian came over with two plates and a cup of coffee for herself. She started eating while I nervously picked up the fork. I took three small pieces before I couldn't eat anymore.

"I'm not that hungry, I'm just gonna go pack my bag". I quickly said as I hurried to my room. I shut the door and ran to the bathroom before throwing up. I felt bad for not eating the french toast but I physically couldn't. I brushed my teeth before packing my bag. Carina knocked on the door before she came in.

"Are you okay?" She looking at me.

"Yeah". I quickly said looking away from her.

"There are lots of other kids who are scared too Maria. And other exchange students, you're not the only one". I sighed in response.

"You're gonna meet Hailey before right?"

"Yeah outside at the entrance". I said.

"You can do this. Should we go?" She asked.

"Yeah". I said with my heart in my throat.

The car ride was pretty much silent the whole way there. Carina stopped the car while I looked out the window.

"We're here". She said as she gently touched my hand.

"It's gonna be okay. You're gonna go meet Hailey, you two have classes together then when you're done at school I'll pick you up and we will go home and we can make lasagna".

"Okay Maria?" She said making me look at her.

"Okay". She gave me a hug before I got out of the car. I slowly walked towards the entrance with lots of other teenagers.

"Maria!" I turned around and saw Hailey.

"Hi". I said as she came running up to me.

"Hi". She said with a smile.

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