Dinner party

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Maria's pov

I'm feeling a lot better if you don't count my sore throat. Turns out it was a bug going around the school. Luckily Maya and Carina didn't catch it. It's currently friday and I'm home, I'll be back at school on monday though. Mia is coming over tomorrow and I'm so excited.

"Maria." Carina yelled from the kitchen.


"What would you like for dinner tonight?" She asked me when I walked around the corner.

"I don't know."

"I have to go grocery shopping, so you can choose whatever you want." She turned to smile at me.

"Lasagna?" I suggested.

"Okey, it's been a while since we had that. Do you wanna come with me? We could go to the mall too?"

"Yeah, sure I just need to get ready quick."

"Alright Bella." I walked back to my room and did some light makeup before changing into denim shorts and a white t-shirt. I sat back down on the chair in front of my desk and put on some gold jewelry. I grabbed my black Anna Field bag before walking out of my room.

"Are you ready?" Carina asked looking up from her phone.


"You look pretty." She complimented.

"Thank you." I threw on my white air forces before we went down to the car.

"How are you feeling?" Carina asked focusing on driving.

"Good, I actually think my fever is gone."I answered.

"That's great!" When we got to the mall we went straight to Brandy Melville cause of their big sale. Surprisingly the store was almost empty. I ended up getting a dress, one summer top, two skirts and a thin sweater. After walking around the mall for an hour we went to the grocery store. When we finally got back home I went to my room and tried on the new clothes on facetime with Hailey. We ended up talking until Maya came home from work a few hours later.

"Hey." The blonde said peeking into my room.

"Hi." I said back.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing right now, I was on facetime with Hailey earlier."

"When is she coming over tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet." I answered.

"Okay, oh Teddy and her husband Owen is coming over for dinner is that alright?"


"It was spontaneous but I hope it's okay? We're still having lasagna!" She said sensing my nerves.

"Okay, when are they coming?." I asked.

"In about an hour and a half." She walked out of my room and I sighed. Great now I have to eat in front of new people. With Hailey it was actually surprisingly easy. There's just something special about her that makes me feel so safe and comfortable.

After scrolling on tiktok for thirty minutes I got out of bed and touched up my makeup before brushing my hair. I decided on wearing the new dress that I bought. When I walked out of my bedroom I bumped into Maya.

"Wow, you look so pretty Maria."

"Thanks, you too."I complimented back.

"Is it new? I haven't seen it before." She said, gesturing to my dress.

"Yeah, me and Carina went to the mall."

"Oh, how much did she spend?" She asked, earning a laugh from me and Carina who stood behind her.

"I'm gonna go change." The Italian said after kissing Maya.

"Don't burn the food!" She yelled walking into the master bedroom.

"Who burn lasagna?" The blonde asked slightly confused.

"Not you." I replied.


"You just give people food poisoning."


"Oops." I giggled.

"Wait, who told you that?"

"Vic and Andy."

"Of course." We walked into the kitchen and I sat down in front of the island. Five minutes later Carina came back, now changed into a pair of black suit pants and a blouse.

"Are you nervous?" She whispered in my ear. I looked at her and shook my head.

"Are you sure?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


"I'll sit next to you alright?"

"Okey." A couple of minutes later we heard a knock on the door. Both wives went and greeted the other couple while I stood up from were I was sitting.

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Owen." The ginger haired man said shaking my hand.


"Hi Maria." Teddy said giving me a hug.

"Hi."I answered hugging her back.

"Dinner is almost ready." Carina said from the kitchen.

"So Maria, you're from Norway right?" Owen asked me.


"Any siblings?"

"Two, a big brother and a little sister." I answered.

"How old are you three?" He asked.

"My brother just turned 18 and I'll be 16 in October and my sister is 9."

"Quite an age gap between you and your sister." He said taking a sip from the beer Maya handed him.

"Yeah, she wasn't really planned." I answered making us all laugh. After talking for a little bit it was time to eat. Carina sat beside me and Teddy and Owen sat on the other side of the table while Maya sat at the end.

"How's school going? You settling in alright?" Teddy asked sitting opposite of me.

"Uh yeah." I answered taking a small bite of lasagna. The others continued talking while I tried to calm my nausea. I felt Carina squeeze my hand under the table. She continued talking but didn't let go. When we were done eating Owen, Teddy and Carina sat down in the living room while I helped Maya clean the dishes.

"You okay?" She whispered.


"You can come to me if you need a break alright?"

"Thanks." I whispered as Teddy came to join us in the kitchen.

"How are you doing Maya?" She asked the shorter blonde.

"Good, yeah it's nice to be back to a somewhat normal life again."

"Your fully back at the station too right?"

"Yeah I am." She answered rinsing of the last plate.

"I'm happy for you." Teddy said smiling at Maya.

"Thanks. Should we join Owen and Carina?" She suggested.

"Yeah, before they do anything." Teddy said making her and Maya laugh.

"They were a little thing a few years ago." Maya said seeing my confusion.



Hey guys!! Please come with ideas for future chapters. I have a few ideas but as you've probably figured I use a little time to write and update. Oh and some drama is coming up soon!

Xoxo Linnea

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