Chapter 11

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Maria's pov
3 pm

"School sucks". Hailey said as we ate our burgers.


"Imagine everything we could've done if we didn't go to school".

"Oh my god yess, we could just travel the world and be free". I replied.

"You're making me want to drop everything and jump on a plane". She said making me laugh.

"What should we do now?" I asked as we walked out of the diner.

"Can we go to yours?"

"Yeah sure". After a 10 minute walk we finally reached the apartment. We went inside and took off our shoes before walking to my room.

"Wow your room is so pretty". Hailey said looking around.

"Thank you!"

"I wish this was my bedroom".

"It's only mine for 10 months then I'm back in my old room". I said sitting down on the bed.

"How big or small is it"? She asked sitting down next to me.

"Half the size of this with a slanted roof".

"Slanted roofs are so cute!!"

"Yeah on Pinterest not in reality. You can hardly do anything". I said laying down.

"It can't be that bad". She said looking down at me.

"Oh it is, I bump my head all the time too".

"You do remember that you're like 6 feet tall?" I glared at her in response. After a couple of seconds both of us started laughing so much i couldn't breathe. When we finally stopped laughing we looked deep into each other's eyes.

"I can't figure out if you have blue or green eyes". Hailey said making us both laugh again.

Carina's pov
5 pm

I walked through the door and i couldn't hear a sound. I knew Maria and Hailey were here because of they're shoes. After putting the groceries away I quietly walked towards Maria's room and knocked on the door, after getting no response I walked in. The first thing that met me was the two girls curled up together, asleep in the bed. It makes me so happy to see how close they've gotten and how happy Maria is with her best friend. I quickly took a picture before quietly closing the door.

 I quickly took a picture before quietly closing the door

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I started on dinner since Maya's shift will end soon.

Maya's pov

I walked through the front door and the smell of Carina's pasta carbonara lingered in the air. It smells like heaven.

"Ciao bambina".

"Hi my love". I replied before kissing her.

"Are the girls in Maria's room?" I asked looking around.

"Yeah, they're asleep". Carina said smiling.


"You're so cute Bella. I took a picture of them". She picked up her phone from the counter and showed me the two girls.

"Awhh, I'm glad she's found a friend".

"Me too". Carina said giving me another kiss before going back over to the stove.

"I'm just gonna go check on them". I said walking out of the kitchen.

"Ok Bellina". I knocked on the door before I walked in.

"I see you two are awake now"

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"I see you two are awake now".

"Yeah". Maria giggled.

"Carina is making pasta carbonara. Is that ok for you Hailey? We could make something else if not".

"Pasta carbonara sounds delicious". Hailey answered smiling.


Maria's pov

Hailey left a few hours ago and I've just been laying in bed watching movies. Maya and Carina went to bed a little while ago so I'm the only one awake which kinda scares me. I took with me my iPad and sat down in front of the desk and removed my makeup. When I was done I changed into pj's and curled up under the covers. I could hear noises and people yelling outside. Another thing you should know about me is how easily scared I get. I eventually fell asleep holding the teddy bear my grandma got for me close to my chest.

This chapter sucks so much but I wanted to get something out for you all. I've lost a little motivation to be honest but I'll do my best updating. I might even start on a new chapter tomorrow.

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