Early morning

669 28 3

Maria's pov

Im at the hospital. Im not sick or anything but Carina got called in for a trauma in the middle of the night. Maya's on shift so I had to go with Carina. We went straight to the ER and that's where I am now, Carina ran off to surgery. I have no idea what to do or where to go.

"Maria?" I heard someone say in the busy ER. I looked around when I spotted Teddy Altman walking towards me.

"What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" She asked putting her hands on my shoulders looking around.

"Carina got called in for a trauma and Maya's on shift".

"Ohh, she didn't want you home alone?" She asked looking back at me.

"No, not yet".

"Did she tell you to go somewhere and wait for her?" I shook my head.

"Okay, how about you wait with me in my office? Does that sound good?"

"Yeah". We walked through the busy ER and up to her office.

"I just texted Carina, telling her that you're here with me". She said sitting behind her desk.

"Ok" I replied sitting on the couch.

"How long have you known Carina?" I asked Teddy.

"Since 2018, when I came back from Germany".

"So five years?"

"Yeah, she was my OB". She said.

"Oh, what about Maya?" I asked

"We'll she's a firefighter so I've seen her a lot in the ER, but when she and Carina got together we met more often".

"Makes sense. You two seem to have a good bond, not everyone has that".

"Yeah we got closer last year". She said looking at me.

"Because stuff opened up after Covid?" I asked.

"I can't tell you why that's Maya's decision, I'm sorry Maria". She sighed.

"Okay". I replied looking down.

"You're a curious kid aren't you"

"I am, at least I've been told so by my family. But i respect Maya's privacy and other people's too of course, there's just so much out there you know. I think that's why I love stars because there's so much you don't know yet". I told her.

"It's like that with surgery. So much you don't know and so much you can find out". She said.

"That's cool, saving lives you know".

"Do you want to be a surgeon when you get older?" She asked me.

"No, absolutely not". I said.

"Why? You seem like a smart person".

"Sure I'm good at math and stuff, at least in Norway but I could never be a surgeon".

"What do you wanna be then?" She asked.

"I have no idea but not within healthcare".

"Good thing you still have some time". Teddy said with a smile.

"Yeah". We were in her office for almost three hours when Jo came in looking for me.

"Hey, we just finished the surgery. Carina's in her office right now if you wanna go meet her". She said.

"Yeah sure, but I don't know where her office is". I answered.

"I'll follow you".

"Thanks, and thank you Teddy for letting me stay here".

"No problem". She said giving me a hug. Me and Jo walked down to the obgyn floor and knocked on Carina's office door.

"Come in". We both entered the room.

"Hey Bambina, I'm so sorry I ran off". She said the moment she saw me. I could tell she felt guilty.

"It's okay really". I said trying to make her feel better. The sound of a pager went off.

"I have to go sorry". Jo said quickly walking out of the room.

"We can go home soon I just need to do some paperwork". Carina said when i sat down on the chair in front of her desk. Twenty minutes later we were on our way home. The car ride was quiet with the radio playing in the background. When we got back to the apartment it was 9 am.

"Did you eat at the hospital?" Carina asked me.


"I'll make us some toast". She said.

"Thanks!" I said as I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Carina walked over with two plates and sat down.

"What are we watching?" We ate while we watched Friends together. I've never really seen Friends before, only a few episodes.

Carina's pov

When we were done eating I washed our dishes. Maria's gotten a lot more comfortable eating around us. Seeing how Maya is interacting with her is heartwarming. If I didn't already want a baby with her, I want it even more now. I turned around and saw Maria asleep, she looks so peaceful. I walked over and tucked her in with a blanket. I sat down in the armchair and started reading. Twenty minutes later Maya walked in.

"Hey, whe-". She stopped when I shushed her.

"Where is Maria?" She whispered. I signaled to the couch. She walked to the back of the it and looked down. A big smile formed on her beautiful face. She looked up at me with love in her eyes.

"She looks so peaceful". She said. I walked over and stood behind her, I put my arms around her waist, my head on her shoulder. We both stood there just looking at Maria sleeping.

"Let's try for a baby again".


Hey hope you guys have a good day, since Christmas is coming up I have a dilemma. Should I speed up the story so it will be aligned with real time or should I just keep going as it is or should I go as is it and make a Christmas special with them celebrating?

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