ERRORMARE. {part one-}

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Author's note: Soo, the first of many-? I adore ERRORMARE a little too much so. There going to be a few of these. Have fun!!


Error walked down the hall of Nightmare's extravagant castle, the phalanges of his bony hand running along the smooth, cold stone of the walls. He's only been here for a few months, deciding that it's better to have a few allies then going around and destroying aus on his own. It's peaceful here too. I thought it would be louder with killer being around. I guess he has ADHD meds or something. Who knows. Error thought, a small smile playing on his face.

He walked into his room, gently closing the door behind him before flopping onto the bed. Oh yeah, he has a bed now. That's a thing that happened. He sat up, hugging one of his pillows as he turned on his rather large TV to watch Undernovella. He opened a portal and grabbed a handful of chocolate bars. He munched on them silently.

Until somebody knocked on the door.

Error groaned, and paused his show. "Who the fuck is it?" His voice glitched in annoyance.

"It's Horror... Nightmare wants to see you in his office." A soft shuffling lead away from the door.

Error groaned, then teleports to Nightmare's office. "The fuck you want?"

"You know, Error, you can just walk in..." Nightmare's deep, growly voice almost made Error shiver.

"I didn't feel like walking across the entire castle. Now, what do you want?" Error looked around. Curtains or a dark cyan, the tile floor polished obsidian. This guy must be fucking loaded..... The wallpaper was a pattern of grey crescents on a field of black. The desk a dark, polished oak. The chair was even really fancy, with it being dark cyan leather.

"How are you settling in?" Nightmare asked, placing his forearms on the desk.

"I'm settling in alright, I suppose." Error Shrugged. "People have been leaving me alone, which is fine by me. And I get more time to watch Undernovela."

"It's good to know youre doing alright, Error."

Error frowned. "Why do you care, anyway? I'm just one of your pawns now."

"I care about my employees, Error. I want to make sure you guys are happy."

Error blinked, confused. "But- you have to feed off of negativity."

Sighing, Nightmare continued. "However, I will not torchure those who are loyal to me. I draw my power from those in other universes that we are battling, or I draw it from prisoners."

"Oh...." Error squinted a little, trying to focus his eyes on a cup that says '#1 Boss!' on it. "I suppose the others really like it here, eh?"

"Yeah, they do." Nightmare smiled softly. "They genuinely enjoy being here."

Damn, that smile is always adorable.... Error kinda zoned out.

"Error? Darling?" Nightmare smirked. "Is something the matter?"

"U-Uh... n-nope!" Error studdered, his voice glitching a bit more than usual.

Nightmare narrowed his socket. "You're lying."

"A-Am not-!"

"Are so~" Nightmare chuckled softly. "What's wrong? You know it's rude to stare."

" are really good-looking..." Error admitted, hanging his head in embarrasment.

"As are you, Error." Nightmare chuckled and stood.


"You heard me."

Error was dumbfounded. Holy fuck, Nightmare may have just admitted feelings-?

"I really like you, Error. You're a joy to be around." Nightmare was blushing a bit.

"I-I like you too...." Error smiled softly, reaching out to hold Nightlare's hand. He paused, however, to take a deep breath and grab the goopy hand.

He totally crashed. But, it was worth it.


Author's note: It's so late cries.

Anyway, welcome to my book! It'll just be a bunch of silly stuff. It may be short, like this one, or maybe longer- who knows.

I take a lot of inspiratrion from my favorite oneshot author, Sighnerd. GO CHECK THEM OUT- THEIR BOOKS ARE SOOO GOOODDDDD!!!!!

Requests are always open, though they may take forever to be posted. this one story took me three fucking days..... ;-;

Welp. Time to see if this ever gets read. See ya in the next chapter! (whenever the next chapter is-) BYE BYE!!!!

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