Horror Therepy because I'm sad. {angst.}

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Author's Note: like Sigh's Nightmare Therepy. But with Horror.

This will also be kinda short. It's supposed to be more of a venting thing on my side.



I walked into the castle in tears, Dust looked up frowning. "Y/n-?"

I ignored him and ran upstairs to my room, slamming my door shut. I collapsed onto my bed, sobbing. I was supposed to be at my parent's house for the weekend to visit. I was only there for a couple hours.

"Y/n...?" I heard a soft voice and a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I called, wiping my tears away.

"It's Horror, may I come in...?"

"Y-yeah, sure. If you must."

I watched horror as he walked in, frowning softly. He had his apron on and smelled softly of bread and garlic. "Hey... Dust said you came home in tears."

I nod. "He wasn't lying... I barely noticed he was there..."

Horror gently closed the door to my room. "May I ask what happened? I thought you were going to be at your parent's house for the weekend?"

"That was until they practically insulted my very existence." I muttered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Insulated your existence?" He walked over to my bed, sitting down on the edge.


"May I ask how?"

I took a shaky breath. "I told them that I was taking classes online at a music school, and then my mother told me that entertainment isn't really needed in this world. She practically told me that my decision was stupid and wrong, and that I should go to do something different." I whined. It still hurt. "Then I went to go eat, and I grabbed a big bowl instead of a small one that I would have to wash, and my father yelled at me and called me lazy."

"Oh, Y/n..." Horror whispered. "That's horrible... Your parents are horrible..." He opened his arms for a hug and I took him up on his offer, hugging him tightly.

"I think they're right, though...."

"What to you mean, Y/n?"

"I'll probably never make it as a singer, even if I graduate from a good school." I muttered. "This is just an easy path for my lazy ass to take."

"Y/n. Don't think like that." Horror gently scolded. "Music is a wonderful career, your voice is beautiful." He smiled softly. "And you aren't lazy, you're parents are just jackasses."

"I guess.." I shrugged. "I should have expected it, they do this all the fucking time." I grumbled.

"Well, maybe you should stay away from your parents until you finish school and get a good job in music, then come back to them and show off as a big fuck you?" Horror suggests.

"W-Well, I mean, I suppose I can try?"

"Atta girl!" Horror smiled. I couldn't help but smile back he's just so goofy.

"You doing okay now?"

I nodded.

"Good, wanna head downstairs with me and help with dinner?"

"Sure!" We got up, and headed downstairs, smiling.


Author's Note: ayyyy, I posted another story- woul ya look at that-

Don't expect this too often. School's being a bitch, though I might have time over Christmas break, which starts on Friday.

Bye bye.


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