Sighmare {ANGST}

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Nightmare's POV

"Sigh, Darling, what are you doing? You've been giggling like that for the past five minutes. Nonstop." Don't get me wrong, I adore my wife. She's absolutely amazing, but she does have her moments when she concerns me. I walked over to her.

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEEEHEHEHEHEEHE" she giggled. Sigh  looked like she was writing something in a book. "LOOKIE!!!" She held up a book, the cover reading "Sighmare smutt!!!! >:3".

"You wrote a smutt book about us ..?" I tilted my head, sitting next to her.

"Mhm!!!" She smiled brightly. "Do you like it??"

"I love it, Sigh. It's almost as beautiful as you."  I leaned in and kissed her. She squeaked and returned the kiss. " Aww, you're so cute when you're flustered ~" I tapped the wedding ring on her finger possessively.

"Am not!!" She huffed. But she still smiled. "You were even cuter under me last night." Sigh giggled, and I blushed.

" Last night was really nice... " I mumbled.

" Indeed it was, love. " She leaned up and kissed me again. " I love you so much.... "

" I love you too. " I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. " I don't know what I would do if I lost you. "

" Then it's a good thing I'm not going anywhere. " Sigh assured me.

" Promise....? "

" I promise, Nightmare." She frowned. " Is everything alright? "

" Yeah... Yeah, everything's okay" I nodded.

She nodded. " Okay, well, I'm going to go make dinner now, okay? I love you. "

" I love you too. "


I grunted as Swap shot a bone through me, causing a tentacle to shrink back. "Asshole!" I shot another tentacle at him, but he dodged. I watched as he ran off to help Ink, who was failing at fighting Dust, Horror, and Killer. The sounds of grunts, yells, bones, and blasters filled the air. I looked around for Dream, and Sigh ran over to help the boys.

I start to run over to help, too, when I found Dream. "SIGH, BEHIND YOU!" I screamed, but it was too late.

Sigh looked at be, then screamed as one of Dreams arrows impaled her. Then another, and another, and another. She collapsed, and I ran over to her, everyone stopped fighting, their jaws dropped. Dream stood there, his face not showing signs of remorse.

"SIGH!!" I dropped to my knees, pulling her into my arms, hissing as my tentacles ripped out the arrows, tossing them aside.

"N-Nightmare..." She groaned, looking up at me. Her expression was filled with pain. "Nightmare..."

"Oh Sigh... No... No no no.... everything is going to be okay.." my tentacles wrapped around her, trying to heal her, but removing the arrows took a lot out of me.

"Nightmare... Stop.... it's not going to work..." She pressed her hand to my cheekbone, tears streaming down her face. "It's no use..."

"No... No... It'll work.. it has to.." I felt the tears stream down my face. "Everything is going to be okay. You'll go home with me... A-and..."

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