Nightmarexreader {angst}

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Y/n's POV

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, yawning. Last night, Nightmare paid a visit, and damn was that fun. I'm still a little sore. I blushed and chuckled quietly as I made coffee and started of breakfast.

Nightmare and I have been dating for a couple months now, and honestly? It's been the best couple months of my life. Sure, he's the 'King of Negativity' and all but, he's really, really sweet. And I love him with all my being already.

The scent of sausage filled my kitchen, and I was mixing batter for pancakes when I felt arms slip around my waist.

"Was I too loud? I didn't mean to wake you up, Darling." I twist my head around and smiled at Nightmare, still shirtless. He gave me a quick kiss.

"No, no, you weren't too loud, Dear. I just woke up and noticed my love wasn't in my arms anymore, and I followed the scent of food~" he chuckled. I smiled as I leaned back against him.

"I was going to surprise you with a finnished breakfast...." I frown softly, continuing to mix the batter.

"It's okay, Y/n, I'm absolutely flattered." He trailed kisses along my neck, and I smiled softly.


Nightmare had finnished setting the table as I finnished making the food and brought it out to said table.

"That smells wonderful, Darling." Nightmare commented as I set the food down. He then sat down beside me, pulling my chair closer to him.

"Thank you!" I couldn't help but blush, and I rest my head on his shoulder briefly before eating.

"You're so beautiful, Y/n." Nightmare purred. "Absolutely gorgeous." He brushed a strand of hair from my face.

"Thank you, My love. Now eat."

"Yes ma'am!" He chuckled and started to eat.

"not only does it smell wonderful, but it tastes wonderful, too!" Nightmare smiled. From what I heard, that's a rare sight to see. However, I see that bright smile of his every time he comes to visit.

I smiled in return. " That's good, now keep eating. " I was already half done with my plate of breakfast.

" Yes, love of course. " he fell silent and continued eating. Once I was done, I stood up to take care of my plate, and start doing dishes. Before long, I felt a tendril wrap around my waist. "I love you .." Nightmare murmured, kissing my neck. I smiled.

"I love you too, Nightmare. You're being awfully clingy this morning... I'm not complaining, but is something wrong.?"

Nightmare blinked. "Well... I wanted to ask you something...But I don't know how you'll react..."

"So you're buttering me up...?"

He frowned, but nodded, looking hurt.

"Well.... spit it out, love..."

"I want you to move into the castle-"

"No." I said firmly.


"Not with Error there."

"Y/n, I know he's your ex, but him and I talked about it, he's not going to be any problem, I promise!"



"My answer is no, Nightmare. " I winced as I heard him whine.

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