DustxReader {Fluff}

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"DUST!" I exlaimed as he walked trough the door, jumping onto him and hugging him tightly.

"WA- Oh! Hello, Sweetheart." Dust hugged me back, kissing the top of my head. "I'm sorry 'bout being late.... The mission took longer than expected."

"It's okay!! I'm just glad you're safe!" Dust and I have been together for almost a year, and it's been the best time of my life. He's just so sweet.....

"Of course I'm safe. I'll always make my way back to you." He smiled at me.

"GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" Killer called from the couch.

"FUCK OFF, KILLER!" Dust rolled his eyes. "Acually....that's a good idea, Let's head up to my room."

"Okay!" I smiled and clung to Dust as he teleports us to his room, I broke away from the hug and giggled. "I missed you, ya know."

"I know, I've missed ya too, Sweetheart." Dust pushed his hood off his head. "I tried to get it done as quickly as possible."

"I know you did, I'm just happy you're home!" I smiled brightly and watched him sit down on his bed.

"Cuddles?" he asked, opening his arms.

"Cuddles!!" I giggled and walked over to him, sitting and his lap and wrapping my arms around him. "I love those!"

"I know you do, Sweetheart." Dust smiled, and tilted my head upwards, he leaned in for a kiss, which I, of course, reciprocated.

"You get more beutiful every day, Sweetheart." He smiled after breaking the kiss.

I blushed, and rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes. "Th-thank you, Dear."

He chuckled and layed back on the bed, pulling me with him. I pulled the blanket over the two of us, it was a very soft blanket. A lot of things in Dust's room are really, really soft.

"I love you..." I mumbled, suddenly kind of tired.

"I love you too, now, sleep, Sweetheart."

I nodded, and fell asleep in Dusts arms, smiling softly.


"Y/N!!!!" I heard Horror calling me from downstairs. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I rolled my eyes, and walked downstairs. It's been a few days since Dust had come back from his mission, and we've barely been more than three feet away from eachother.

"Is Dinner ready?" I asked as I reached Horror.

"Yep. Come on." He walked into the dinningroom, and I followed suite, as soon as the smell hit me, I almost squealed with delight.

"It's chicken parmesaen!!!!!!!" (I murdered that but whatever) I ran into the dinning room, and plopped my ass down in the chair next to Dust, buzzing with excitement.

"Somebody's excited." Dust chuckled, looking at me.

"OF COURSE! IT'S CHICKEN PARMESAEAN!!!!!! CHICKEN PARMESAEN!!!!!!!" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him a bit.

"Okay, okay- calm your tits, Y/n." Killer rolled his eyelights

"Go suck Nightmares cock." I growled, then started eating angrily. I heard Dust growl beside me, and I put my hand in his lap. He sighed and started eating as well.

"You guys need to learn how to get along." Horror groaned before eating.


After dinner had finnished, Dust and I were doing the dishes.

"Damn, you look hot doing dishes." I tried not to laugh as I spoke.

"You look hot doing literally anything, Sweetheart."

"Not true!"

"Is so!"






Dust picked me up and set me on the counter, and placed his hands on either side of me. He growled playfully. "You are absolutely beautiful. No matter what. You could be a big ass rotten eggplant and I would still want to fuck you to the ground." He smirked.

"I-I well...uh-" I stumbled over my words and blushed.

"Like now. You look absolutely adorable when you get all flustered."

I rolled my eyes and lightly whacked his shoulder. "Meanie-"

"I'm not mean, I'm just stating facts."

"Whatever. Let's finnish the dishes." I smiled at him, and he leaned up for a kiss, which I gladly reciprocated. Too bad it was so short.


This is specially for Sighnerd, one of my favorite authors here. They mentioned something about a DustxReader fluff and I was like: "LEMME WRITE THAT FOR YA!!! :3"

Ya'll should totally go check out her books. They are absolutely fire!!!!! And she is writing a book on her AM, (Alternate Multiverse) Empathverse!!! It's absolutely wonderfull, I promise.

If you guys dont check her books out I'll beat you with a candleobra./hj


PS: sorry if this was also short- I ran out of time/inspo after the first chunk-

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