Cherryberry!!!! {Angst}

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Author's Note: I think I might have all my oneshots in first person now, and not the ones that are just x reader. ^^



Fell's POV

"Fell!!" I turned around to Swap's shrieks as Horror's axe was embedded into my skull.

"I-I'm alright, Swap." I smiled, before falling to my knees, whimpering in pain. Horror had disappeared.

Swap ran over to me and crouched beside me, pulling me into his arms. " no no... Not you..."

"Swap, I-I'll be alright, really."

"Fell! You have an exe in your skull! Dream, get over here!!"

"Well, if I die, burry me with mustard, will ya?" I chuckled, then coughed.

"This is no time to be silly, Fell! You're dying! I don't want you to die-!!" Swap was clearly trying to not cry, but also failing.

I sat up a bit, leaning on Swap and lacing out fingers together. "Hey, hey. Stop crying. I'll be alright. I promise." I kissed his hand. "I ain't gonna die that easy." I leaned up and kissed his cheekbone. "I love ya."

"I-I love you too..." Swap wined. I shuddered, then everything went black.

Swap's POV
"F-Fell?" I whined as my boyfriend went limp. "DREAM! IT'S FELL-!"

"Swap? Holy shit-" Dream knelt beside Fell and I, frowning. "We need to get the axe out of his skull. Ink! Get over here and help me!"

Ink grumbled something, but walked over and placed his hands at the blade, while Dream took the stick/hilt.

"Pull!" Both Ink and Dream pulled on the axe, and I closed my eyes as I held Fell tightly. They were able to get it free with a small pop, and I breathed a small breath of relief.

With a faint yellow glow, Dream healed Fell by pressing his hand against the wound. "It's going to be a while before he wakes up." Dream stood.

"Then let's head on home, I'll put him in bed." I also stood, picking up Fell and walking through a portal dream opened.


Fell's POV

I groaned softly, placing a hand to the top of my skull as I regained consciousness.  I didn't open my sockets, but I listened around me.

"Swap! He's awake!" I heard Dream's voice.

"We should have just let him dust." Ink scoffed. I have a sudden urge to punch him.

"Ink! No-! He means a lot to Swap."

"He's awake?!" I open my sockets when I hear his voice. Swap. My love. "Fell!!"

I cried out as I tried to sit up, and Swap was at my side in an instant.

"Lay back down! You can't be moving too much!" He frowned worriedly, and out of the corner of my socket, I saw Dream dragging Ink out of the room.

"Fine, fine." I grumbled, laying down once more. I looked up at Swap, smiling. "I told you that I'll be fine."

Swap grabbed my hand, and I noticed he was shaking.

"Swap? Baby, what's wrong? I'm alright now..." I frown, gently squeezing his hand.

"I couldn't protect you..." He whispered.

"What?" I blinked in confusion.

"You... You almost died. Because I didn't even try to protect you."

"Oh, Swap-"

"I'm worthless all around, aren't I?"

"What? Swap, the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm absolutely useless. I have a really hard time keeping up with Ink and Dream. I feel like I'm just a replacement. I'm only mortal after all." He chuckled sadly. "I don't have time to eat or sleep because if I do, I'll fall behind. So my fighting performance is quickly deteriorating. I can't think straight half the time, and I couldn't protect you. I'm the reason why you almost turned to dust. I'm a lousy boyfriend and a lousy member of the Star Sanses. You all will be better off without me."

"S-Swap? What the hell are you talking about? Of course you're not lousy or worthless or useless. You're a wonderful person, and I love having you in my life." Panic started to fester within me.

"I love you, Fell. I always will." Swap smiled sadly, kissed me, than teleported away.

"S-Swap? SWAP?!" I sat up. "DREAM!"

Dream was instantly at my side. "what's going on-? I felt a lot of nega-"

"Swap's going to go kill himself!"


"We need to find him!!" I stood, and grabbed Dream's arm for support.

Dream nodded, and after a moment, teleported us.

We arrived in an extra room nobody goes into. Swap was standing on a chair, putting the nuse around his neck.

"SWAP!" I shrieked. "NO-!!!"

Swap paused,and looked at me. "I love you." Tears streams down his face. I growled and shot a sharp bone at the rope, cutting it. I teleported to Swap as he fell off the chair, and I caught him.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!" I held Swap close, cradling him.

"I...I can't take it anymore... All these thoughts.... telling me I'm worthless...that you don't love me... That I'd be better off dead..."

"Why didn't you ever talk to me about this?" I kissed Swap's forehead.

"I thought you wouldn't care..."

"Of course I care!! I'm your boyfriend! And I love you more than anything, Swap!"  I held Swap tightly, trying not to cry.

" do?"

"Of course I do."

Swap blushed a little, then pulled me in for a kiss. He spoke after he pulled away.

"I love you too, Fell..."


Author's Note: sorry this took so long-!!!! At first, I didn't know what to do, and then I had to do other things-

This is one of Sighnerd's requests!!! You're welcome<3

And uhh, idk what else to say-



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