Horror dust. {Angst, NSFW.}

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Author's Note: by 'NSFW' I do not mean they will fuck, smutt means they will fuck. The NSFW is for smoking. But you have been warned.


Dust's POV

I sat on my bed in my room, a cigarette dangling from the corner of my teeth. I stared at my wall, where Paps floated scolding me.

"Ya gotta stop smoking, Brother!"

"Why? It's not like it's going to hurt my lungs." I scoffed, taking a drag and blowing out the smoke.

"Horror doesn't like it." Paps scoffed.

"Well, as long as he doesn't know, he won't be mad at me." I growled, and then looked up mid-drag as Horror walked in.

"If I don't know what-?" He paused, frowning when he saw my cigarette. ".... really...?"

I finnished the drag, blowing the smoke out before putting out the cigarette. "...hiii-"

"I thought you stopped." Horror sounded disappointed, and I shrank back.

"I-I'm trying my best, dear... B-but with Cross on my ass about everything, Killer being a complete asshole-"


"I- what?" I shrank back more, hugging myself. Horror looked really angry.

"Stop making excuses. I know it will take a while to quit. But you were doing so good..."

I frowned, "Darling, I- I'm sorry...." Something inside me sank. He looked so disappointed...

"I'm going to finish making dinner." Horror then turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Shit- shit shit shit shit shit-" I walked out of the room a few moments after Horror, Paps and othered floating around me. Scolding me. "Shut up!" I growled, knocking on Nightmare's door as tears slipped down my cheekbones.

"Who- Dust...?" Nightmare poked his head out from his office. "Dust, what's wrong?"

"H- horror caught me smoking...and now he's really mad at me..."

Nightmare frowned, and opened the door wider, and I walked into his office.

"I know you did have a clean streak, Dust." Nightmare pointed out. "May I know why you were smoking?"

"I've been so fucking stressed, cross is constantly on my ass about everything, and Killer's being an asshole. And my hallucinations are getting worse." I explained. "I tried telling this to Horror, but he made me stop and said they were just excuses..." I whined, pulling my hood over my face. "He looked really mad, Boss. Wh-what if he breaks up with me?"

Tentacles wrap around me as Nightmare pulls me into a hug. "He won't break up with you, I'm sure. Let's head downstairs and have you two talk about this, okay?" I heasitated before nodding and letting him lead me downstairs.


Horror was grumbling to himself as we reached the downstairs

"H-Horror...? Baby, can we talk? Please....?" My voice shook, and I fiddled with my hands.

"What do you want." Horror didn't even look up.

"I-I'm sorry for smoking again, I really am... I've just been so stressed lately, and the hallucinations are getting worse... I can't handle it...."

"Then why the fuck didn't you come to me?! I'm always here for you, Dust, you know that! Relationships are built on trust, Dust. Don't you trust me?"

"It's hard for me to trust others, Horror, you know that! I'm trying my hardest here..!"

"That doesn't mean you should turn to smoking Everytime a little problem comes up!" Horror still didn't look at me.

"It's not little, Horror! You know what Cross does to me every fucking day?! He's constantly telling me I'm weak, constantly telling me that I'm not enough, in not doing enough, I'm just a dead weight here! On top of that Killer says that I don't deserve you and you and I shouldn't be together! He's telling me that I should just kill myself because I'm absolutely fucking worthless! Then every night I have to top it off with Paps or Tori scolding me and telling me how dissapointed they are of me. The worst part, they are all right. I don't deserve you, I'm just a worthless fucking dead weight, I'm weak as fuck, and I should have killed myself long ago!" Tears streamed down my cheeks. "And I'm terrified of talking to you about it because then you'll leave me or hurt Cross and Killer!" I hadn't even noticed that Nightmare was gone. "It doesn't matter anyways. You're probably going to leave me because of this."

Horror turned to look at me, frowning. "...I'm not going to leave you, Dust." He whispered. "I would never leave you, I love you too much for that." He opened his arms in a hug, and I hugged him tightly, sobbing. "Shh, shhh, it's okay, Dust. I'm so sorry I got angry with you, I shouldn't have done that. I didn't know what you were going through." I felt his arms wrap around me tightly. "I love you, Dust."

"I-I love you too, Horror..."

He gently picked me up, cradling me in his arms. "I need to let the bread dough rise, so how about we go upstairs and cuddle, hm?"

I nodded, and we went upstairs to his room, and he layed me on his bed, before he layed down beside me. I snuggled up to his chest, and I smiled as he kissed the top of my head.


Author's Note: hey lovelies~

Y'all remember to drink water

Eat food

Tell those you love that you love them

And read Sighnerd's books.

This was one of their requests

Love you guys!/p

Bye bye~


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