Driller {I don't fucking know anymore}

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Killer POV

I sighed softly as I watched Dream walk by into Cross's room. Ever since the truce, those two were practically all over each other, I hated it. I hated it with all my soul. Why Cross? He's just some random ass NPC, what makes him better than me?

I teleported to my room, locking the door and sitting on my bed. Pubbles, my main coon kitty jumped into my lap, purring.

"Heh, heya, buddy." I smiled and stroked his fur softly. "You're a very handsome boy, yes you are~!" I leaned my head down to nuzzle him. "Who needs Dream when I have you?" I frowned, and sighed as Pubbles jumped off my lap to stuff his fat ass face. "Gluttonous little fucker."

Speaking of food, I felt pretty fucking hungry, so I teleported downstairs, where Cross and Dream were making out. I growled. "Do you two fucking mind? I was going to make something to eat."

Dream squeaked and pulled away. "S-sorry-, Killer, we'll move out of your way-" Cross just glared at me.

"No. I'm not hungry after seeing that disgusting display." It took a lot of strength to not snarl at the two of them. I didn't meet Dream's gaze as I turned and walked away.


I walked down the old trail in the woods, a few miles from the castle. Walking always helped me clear my mind, especially when I'm thinking about Dream.

I looked up at the sky, and sighed. It was starting to get late. I continued walking. I'll probably be home in time for dinner.


I walked inside, and sat down at the dinner table next to Dust and Horror, and as far away as possible from Dream. I noticed Dream was looking at me,a hurt expression on his face. I ignored him and started eating my chicken.

"Killer, where were you all day?" Nightmare asked.

"Walking." I muttered, not looking up from my plate.


"Along the old paths I usually take."

"I see." He nodded, then started conversing with Swap.

"I heard Killer has this huge crush on Dream~" Ink blurted out.

I nearly choked on my chicken. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" how the hell did he know?!

"Killer, is that true?" Dream asked me in that adorably soft voice.

"What-?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Ew, no! We all know you're into the NPC." I gestured to gross, who looked like he was about to attack me. So I teleported to my room and sat on my bed.

"Fucking hell..." I groaned, facepalming. "That was the dumbest fucking thing ever. Now Dream actually hates me, and Cross is going to kill me." I laughed nervously. "I'm so fucking dead." Pubbles mewed, and I blinked at him. "Hi, Pubbles."

Somebody knocked ont door, I already knew who it was, but I asked anyway. "Who is it?"

"It's Dream... Killer, may I come in...? I would like to talk to you."

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

He walked into my room, gently closing the door behind him.

"Hey, are you alright?" Dream looked a little nervous, his voice wavered ever so slightly. Guilt began to fill me, weighing me down.

"...Not really..." I admit. "I can't fucking believe Ink would just blurt that out...."

"So, you do have a crush on me...?" Dream walked over to my bed, sitting beside me. He gently rubbed my spine as I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and clasping my hands together. 

"Yeah..." I mentally curse myself for blushing.

"Then why did you say you didn't at dinner?"

"Did you see how Cross glared at me? He would have torn me to shreds right then and there." I sighed.

"Yeah... That makes sense..." Dream frowned. "Well... I'm going to be honest with you, Killer. I...I still love Cross, however, we can still be friends. And we can go from there?" He reached forward and placed his hand over mine.

"Y-yeah.... That would be nice..." I looked over at dream, and he smiled softly. I tensed as he pulled me into a hug, but I relaxed and returned it.


Yet another request from Sighnerd. I am so sorry it took me forever to do all of them cries

Go check out their books, though! And Kyle_azuz's book too! (I am so sorry if I spelt that wrong-) They are both amazing authors, and were the reason why I started writing!!! And they are both so much better than I am.

Have a good day everyone!!!


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