DreamxSwap {S M U T T}

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Heavy smutt, yadi yadi- Probably the usual gay shit-

Also bottom Dream and top Swappy boi bc i'm not a big fan of Dream so he gets to be fucked into the ground. ^^


Dream POV

Dream walked through the halls of the rather large mansion he has his crew set up base in. (Nightmare has a big ass castle, Dream has a Big ass mansion. *nod*) He frowned softly as he walked by Swap's door, and heard panting.

"Swap? Are you alright?" Dream knocked on the door.

"Y-Yeah! a-ahh~ I'm fine!!!" Swap's voice was muffled.

"A-Are you sure-? I'm comming in."

"NO- NONONO- FUCK-" Swap exlaimed as Dream opened the door.

Dream froze, blinking. Swap was pantsless, and looked like he was jerking off. "...Swap-?" Dream's face went yellow with blush.

"I-I'm in heat.... I'm sorry.. I- nghh~ I tried to be quiet." Swap whined, shivering a little. His face was blue from his own blush.

"Here, let me help you." Dream closed the door, locking it.

"Wh-wha-!?" Swap gulped. Dream watched him whimper again.

"Come on, it's a problem that needs to be fixed, right?"

"W-Well, N-Nghh~ Yeah-"

"Then let me help you." Dream walks closer to Swap, smiling and taking his vest and shirt off, tossing them to the side before kneeling infront of him. Dream took Swap's dick in his mouth, sucking softly.

"Oh~ f-fuck~" Swap sat down on his bed, groaning softly. He trailed a hand over Dream's bare shoulder, shivering. "Suck it harder~"

Dream grunted and did as he was told, his hands gripping Swap's knees. He shivered as Swap's hands ran over his shoulders, then neck, down along his spine. Of course, that encoraged him to suck on Swap's rather large cock harder.

Swap gently pushed dream away after a few minutes. "Finnish stripping," he ordered, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the side. Dream blushed, but once again did as he was told.

Swap stood, and bent Dream over the bed, gripping his hips tightly. "Summon your ecto body."

Dream nodded and did so, channeling his magic to form his ecto body, the yellow magic swirled lazzily.

Swap ran his hand over Dream's newly formed ass, smirking. "You shouldent have offered to help me, Dream."

"Wh-what do you- AHH~" Dream practically screamed as Swap rammed his cock into his ass. "H-Holly fuck~"

"I never said I would go easy on you~" Swap chuckled, and began thrusting in a rough rythm. "God damn youre so tight~"

Dream whimpered, moaning loudly. "O-Oh f-fUCk~ Swap~ Harder~"

Swap wrapped his hand around Dream's dick, squeezing it softly. "I'll go as hard or soft as I want to, Dream." he slid his hand up and down Dream's cock at a quick pace, panting softly.

Dream moaned and pressed his chest into the bed. "A-Ahhh~"

Swap thrusts harder, pounding into Dream by now. "Such a good boy~" he growled into Dream's non-exsistant ear.

"S-Swap.. I-I'm getting close~ AH~" Dream practically screams as Swap pounds him harder and pumped his cock.

Swap smirked. "Good~ So am I. Cum for me, Darling~" he growled again.

Dream shivered and nodded, rocking his hips back into Swap's thrusts, screaming Swap's name as he came.

"Good boy~" Swap kissed along Dream's spine, cumming soon after Dream. He pulled out, and sighed softly, laying down. "Thanks, Dream...." He mumbled.

Dream smiled and layed down with Swap. "You're welcome, I'm happy to help." He snuggled upto Swap, closing his eyes, and soom, the both of them fell asleep.


Ink stood outside Swap's door, his eyelights gone. Boy is now fucking tramatized. "I-I just wantrd to ask Swap a question-" He turned and walked away, about ready to start sobbing.


Author's Note: AAAHHHH I'M SORRY THIS IS SHORT- BUT IN MY DEFENCE I DIDIN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO FOR THIS AHHHH- I made my friend give me a ship and they said DreamxSwap so yay-

idk wtf else to say so uh........

bye bye!!


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