Part 1

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James childhood~

12 year old Little james playing in garden with his new teddy

Little james = want some food take it aaaa....

Little james is very happy and playing

James parents come to him

Mama = james baby mom and dad have to go for meeting na...we will come in 1hour okay..

Little james = but mama... I want to go with you both i don't want to stay here alone

Papa = baby we can't take you their..please understand na play here with your new teddy we will come fast okay..

Little james pout and said okay.. But when you both came we will go to ice cream parlour okay...

Mama = okay my angel bye bye

Little james = b-bye mama b-bye papa love you

Mama & papa = bye baby love you too

James parents left

4hours later

Little james still sitting in garden waiting for his mama & papa

Little james = mama,papa said they came in 1hour

After sometime his uncle&aunt came

Uncle = james get up and go with us

Little james look up and said why  uncle mama said wait here

Uncle = your mama and papa is died

Little James get shocked and said No No you lying uncle mama papa said they go to meeting and come fast

Aunt = show him video

Uncle show him video that his mama papa is in hospital and Doctor said they is no more

Uncle = your parents had a car accident and they died now we adopt you come with us

Little james see video and he crying

Little james = mama...papa..why you leave me...please come

Uncle = they don't come now come with us

They take james to their house

Little James sitting on sofa hugging his teddy and crying,james touch his stomach he is hungry,James go to his uncle aunt

Little james = aunty i am hungry

Aunt = Wow first you become a burden to us now i am your cook who gave you food

Little james don't know why aunty saying like this

Little james = aunty why are you saying like this...

Uncle = now listen james we didn't adopt you for you responsibility you are here for do our work and you won't go to school

Little james = b-but uncle i want to study

Uncle = we don't have money for your study And what will you do even after studying?

Little james don't say anything he sobbing to listen this from his uncle and aunt

Aunt = now come and wash dishes here

Little james nodded and start washing dishes even he don't know how to do it

To be continued...

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