Part 9

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After sometime

Net wakeup he see james is still sleeping he get up from bed and covered james with blanket and go to hall

He see his mom is sitting on sofa,he going to kitchen suddenly his mom said Net!

Net stop and turn to see her

Net = khrub mom

Net mom = why you skip class

Net =

Net mom = say fast! And tell me who is the boy in your room

Net take a breath and said mom! I love him and he is in trouble i see him in uni washroom panicking so i take him with me here to take care of him

Net mom shocked to listen this

Net mom = love!! You know i already fixed your marriage to girl that i want and you already engaged to her!!

Net = but mom! I don't want to marry her i love james only!! And you are forcing me to marry her!!

Net mom = Net!! You have to marry her,her dad is our business partner,and we already decided you have to marry her,i am not telling you that don't help that boy,you can help him but you can't marry him

Net = business!! business!! businesssss!!!! You always care about your business you never care about my feelings!! only dad who care about me,In my whole childhood he is the one who take care of me not like you!! always busy with your work!!

Net mom shout = NET!!!

Net said to maid = aunty please prepare a meal and send it to my room

Maid nodded and go to kitchen,net don't say anything to his mom and go to his room

Net mom = Net! I'm telling you something

Net Ignore her and go his room,net see james is wake up and cleaning the room

Net go to him and said cutie why are you doing this?

James see net he take a paper and write something and give to net

Phi...i just don't like to i think to clean the room...

Net read it and smiled

Net = but now cutie you don't have to do anything okay come and sit this is not your work

Net make james sit on bed

Net try to ask james

Net = cutie.....can you tell me that why you are in uni washroom?

James getting scared he start shivering

Net hug james and rubbing his back

Net = it's okay cutie if you don't want to tell..

James take a paper and write something and give to net

Phi...sorry..i can't tell you now and thankyou for careing me in these 4 years first time someone care about me thankyou....and please phi...don't give me to anyone i don't want go there again please i'm begging you phi...i promise i will do anything you want...

Net read it and see james is literally begging him to not give him to anyone

Net cup james face and said i don't know what going on with you cutie but i promise i never give you to anyone and you don't have to do anything for me because i love you my baby....

James shocked to listen this

Net = yes baby i love you! When i see you First time at uni i fell for you baby i really love you baby...

James write something and give to net love me like in stories two people love eachother most and take care of them...

Net = yes baby i love you like that!

James again write something and give to net

Phi...b-but i am not perfect for you phi and i don't know i love you or not but i know i am not worth it i am just a servant please don't think that i will love you phi

Net read he literally feel pain to reading this

Net = baby please don't talk like this and i know you don't love right now but i am not forcing you baby take time as much you want but don't think that your not perfect you are perfect for me baby everyone is perfect no one can say them they are unperfect and you are my diamond baby!!

James seeing net he didn't believe someone loving him calling him his diamond but he still not believe that he is able for him

James just nodded

Maid come and give him meal

Net take a spoon and feeding james

After feeding james net ask james

Net = cutie please try to say something it's not good to keep your voice mute

James write something and give to net

Phi...but i can't my voice is not coming from my month whenever i am trying to speak...

Net rub james hair and said don't worry baby from tomorrow we will practicing to come your voice out hm

James nodded

Net = and tomorrow we also going to amusement park

James see him in disbelief in 4 years he never go anywhere expect jack uni

Net see that james not believeing him

Net = yes baby we are going you never go amusement park

James shook his head in no and write something on paper

Yes phi in 4 years i never go anywhere

Net = it's okay baby tomorrow we will going okay

James just nodded he happy but he don't smiled

To be continued.......

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