Part 47 🔞

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In netjames bedroom

Net sitting on sofa watching james who feeding rainbow his milk

Net whined and said make him sleep fast na! I want to celebrate our wedding night!

James giggled and said how phi? He is not sleeping maybe he is in mood to play

Net = awww.....please na....

They are talking while their door get knock,james put rainbow on bed and go to open the door

He open the door and see net mom,he said what happen mama?

Net mom = nothing jimmy...i just come here to take rainbow to our room

James = but why?

Net mom smiled and said it's your wedding night baby...and i know my idiot son badly want to celebrate so give rainbow to me so you two can enjoy

Net listen and get happy he shout from behind "thank you mom!!"

James laugh and go to bed and take rainbow in his arms and give to net mom

Net mom = come to granny angel...ok i am going jimmy bye...

James = bye

Net mom left,james close the door he turn his face but net pin him against the door

James = phi!

Net = not more wait cutie...i already wait a lot!

Saying that net smash his lips to james lips and kissing sucking his juicy lips,net one hand pulling james closer by his small waist and one hand on his neck

James closing his eyes enjoying the kiss,james put his hands around net neck

Net sucking and biting his lips to go inside in james mouth,james open his mouth and net slide his tongue quickly and tasting his sweetness

Net take james in bridal style while kissing him and take him to bed,net put james on bed and net remove his shirt and get on bed

Net smash his lips and again and kissing him,james pulling him closer by his neck

James = um...ahh....ha...

Net get down open james shirt button and see his white chest,net put his one hand on his chest and squeeze it

James = ahh....phi....

Net get down and sucking james soft nipples while playing with another,after that he get down and sucking on james white thigh's

James = ahh...phi...ahh....

Net sucking his thigh's until it's get red,net get up and take off james pant and his too

Net put a little kiss on james lips and said are you ready my love

James nodded while sweating,net smiled and take condom from drawer and wear it then he set his cock on james hole

Net get inside him in one thrust,james start moaning loudly

James = ahhh!!....phiii!!!ahhhh!

James grabbed net hair to pulling him close

Net start thrusting him faster as james moaning continuously making net more crazy

James = ahh....p-phi...f-fuck...

Net = your moans making me more crazy baby...

Net thrusting james harder and kissing him roughly,net see james under him all hot and moaning driving him crazy making him craving for him more

As Net had picked up the space,room get hot and steamy filled with their moans echoed in room

Net = you making me crazy....

James = ahh...haa..

After 2rounds james cummed all over him and net also reach his climax and cum

Net see james sweating and taking heavy breathes,net kiss his forhead and said you done very good baby...

James open his eyes slowly and said i love you phi....

Net = i love you too my love

Net lay beside him and open his arms and james cuddle in him

James look at him and ask phi! Can we all go picnic tomorrow

Net = sure baby if you want then we will go

James smiled and said yeahh! tomorrow we all go picnic me,you,p'james,p'king and rainbow!!

Net giggled to his baby cuteness and hug him tightly

Net = now sleep baby

James nodded and hide his face in net chest and net hug him tightly

Next morning🌄

Everyone on dinning table except king and james

Net = where are they two?

James = maybe sleeping becoz of tiredness

They are talking while net see king coming but king is not alone he carried p'james in his arms

James get up and said what happen p'james? Are you okay! Why p'king carry you!

King trying to not laugh,p'jamed glared at him and said to james

P'james = nothing my cutie...i am just lazy to walk so i told p'king to carry me

James = oh!

Net = hmm...but i think it's becoz of last night right?

P'james get embarrassed and said you! Shut up idiot! and p'king please go to dinning table i am hungry!

King laughed and nodded

They sit on chairs p'james sit on king's lap,james said so p'james are you two going anywhere if not then we all go picnic!

King = hmm actually we have to go on a fan meeting but my lovely wife legs are hurting becoz of.....

P'james slapped him on chest,king said nothing his legs are hurting so we postponed the meeting so we can go!

James get happy and clap and said yeahh! Now we all can go!

James look at rainbow and said rainbow we are going to picnic! We will do lots of fun yeppy!

rainbow smiled and laugh,everyone smiled to see both of them

Net = okay so we all go in afternoon okay

Everyone nodded

To be continued......

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