Part 11

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Net go to james and said cutie you are done so get ready i promise you to take amusement park

James write something and give to net

But phi i am already ready...

Net read and said how cutie you didn't change your clothes

James write again

But i don't have anything to wear phi and i am okay in this clothes

Net = no cutie i already ordered clothes for you come and choose what you want to wear

Net = maids come!!

Net ordered and Lots of maids come with different type of clothes in her hands

James shocked to see all of this

Net = cutie choose now what you want to wear

James write

Phi! I can't take this i am okay in this clothes you don't have to care about me a lot i used to wear old clothes and i am okay

Net read he sad to read this and said cutie whoever said this to you it's not right everyone deserve care and everyone deserve everything and you also!

James don't say anything he just nodded

Net take james hand and look in his eyes and said in soft voice cutie...i know because of someone you are saying this and they made you like this but i promise cutie i will make you believe that you deserve everything you don't have to listen whoever said this to you i love you my cutie and i can't see you like this...please choose whatever you want to wear i want to see you happy...

James just looking in net eyes he see something in his eyes he think
(h-he care about i-i seeing care in his eyes...he really loves me like prince love his princess...b-but i am not a princess why he love i also deserve everything?)

James smiled a Little to net,net also smile to see him smile

Net = now choose baby

James nodded he get up and choose a outfit he go to room to changing

Net sitting on sofa waiting for james,net scrolling his moblie while he look up and see james coming to stairs he looks very cute,fluffy,Beautiful

Net just look at him net want to squish him like a baby he really looking like a angel

Net just look at him net want to squish him like a baby he really looking like a angel

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James come to net and shaking him to go

Net come in his senses and nodded

They both came in amusement park,james looking here in there he happy that after 4years he coming out of that hell

Net = cutie let's go to that ride

James nodded

They enjoy very much in amusement park james feel again that now he is also a human

Both sitting on bench,net said cutie i am going to washroom you wait here ok

James nodded

Net go to washroom,james sitting on bench enjoying the view

suddenly someone grab his hand james look and see his uncle

James panic to see him he trying to escape from his grip

Uncle said in anger = where have you been from yesterday huh!! You want to learn a lesson again huh!! Come with me!

Uncle trying to takeing james with him but james don't want to go he trying to push him

suddenly net come and push his uncle,uncle fell on ground

James almost crying he see net and hug him tightly and crying he grabbed net shirt he don't want to go with his uncle

Uncle get up from ground and look at james with anger

Uncle = james!! Come here!!

James shooking his head in no and grabbed net shirt tightly

Net rub james back and look at his uncle

Net = sir! He not coming with you so leave please!!

Uncle = who are you to say he is my servant!!

Net = he is not!! He is my boyfriend now!! And i don't let him do any work!!

Uncle = oh so you got a boyfriend huh!! A bitch like you never deserve anything! that's why your parents leave you!they like to choose death instead of you!!

listening this james heart break in pieces he loves his mama papa a lot and his mama papa hate him that much they choose death...

Net shout at Uncle = SIR!!! Watch your mouth or i am going to call police

Unlce go away from them

Net look at james crying like a mess in his arms net know james really felt pain because of his words

Net rubbing james back and said cutie please don't cry he is wrong you deserve anything my love please don't cry

James just shooking his head and crying

Net take james to home,in car james slept in net arms because of crying

Net make james to lay on bed amd caressing his hair

Net = baby when you wakeup i am going to ask you what that man talking about i hope you tell me everything my love

Net see locket in james neck ,net took a locket gently he open the locket and see picture of a couple and he sure that they are his mom dad

Net seeing the picture while net dad also came

Net dad = what are you doing son

Net dad also look at the photo of james mom dad he shocked to see the picture

He ask net

Net dad = son! Where did you get it

Net = it's james locket dad and i am sure they are james parents

Net dad take locket and seeing the picture of them then he go to james and caressing his hair he tearing up and said My jimmy you are alive!!!

Net confused and asked why you are crying dad and why are you calling him jimmy

Net dad look at net and said he is your childhood bestfriend son!!!

Net shocked to listen this

To be continued.......

harshis22335 your guess is right cutie❤💖🤩 you're really a mind reader🥰!!!

please vote cuties!!!🥺

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