Part 2

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Little James finish washing dishes,he go to his aunt and said a-aunty i washed all dishes now please give me food....i am really hungry aunty!

Aunt = first get on your knees and beg me for food then i gave you food

Little james nodded and get on his knees and joined his hands

Little james = a-aunty p-please give james food i am begging you aunty please give me some food...please...

Aunty = that's a good dog

Aunt take leftover food plate and gave to james

James take the plate and going to sit on dinning table but uncle stop him

Uncle = who told you to sit here

Little james = b-but uncle then where i should sit

Uncle = you are not deserve to sit on chair go on the corner and eat there

Little james don't know why uncle aunty treating him like this but he nodded and go to corner and sit there and start eating his food

Little james finish his food he take plate wash it,then he go to his uncle aunty who watching t.v

Little james = u-uncle...a-aunty where should i sleep

Aunt = uh!!! You go show him

Uncle = okay...

Uncle take james to a storeroom and said here is your room go and wakeup at 5:00 am okay!!

Little james see the storeroom is very Dirty and dark there are no lights

Little James = u-uncle i don't want to sleep here it's dark i am scared uncle

Uncle said in anger = we look like a millionaire to you who gave you a special room go and sleep!!

Little james scared and said u-uncle why you all treating me like this....mama papa never said anything like this to me....

Uncle slap james tightly,james fell on floor and starting crying

Uncle said anger = your mom dad was kind and sweet they always spend money on poors they don't know how to use money we always tell them don't spend money on poors but they didn't listen!!! After they died their money transfer in your account and now it's become mine now we used it well and we got you as a servant too so from now you are just a servant for us understand!!!

Little crying and nodded in fear,uncle throw him in the storeroom and lock the door from outside

Little james hug his knees and crying loudly

Little James = mama....papa....😭 please come na u-uncle slapped's hurting mama...😭

Little james took a locket from his neck and open it there are photo of his mom and dad

Little james = Mama...papa...i really miss you so much...please come na..i promise i will being a very good boy...please come na...

Little james take his teddy and hug him then he lay down on floor and try to sleep

Next morning 🌄

Little James sleeping peacefully but then someone pour a water on his face james wake up suddenly he look up and see his uncle aunty in very angry faces

Uncle shout at him = i told you to wake up 5:00am but you disobeyed our ordered

Uncle grab james hair and slap him hard,Little james starting crying and said u-uncle....please d-don't beat me...sorry j-james is sorry...

Aunt = i think you should teach him a lesson so Next time he will never disobeyed our ordered

Uncle = ya you are right darling

Uncle go outside and come with a belt,Little james get scared

Little james = u-uncle please don't beat me with this i promise i will never disobeyed your ordered

Uncle = but i have to teach you a lesson

Uncle hit james with belt,james screamed in one hit

Little james = uncle.....please...don't....😭😭

Uncle don't listen him he continuously beat james until he get satisfied

After sometime uncle throw belt in side and look at Little james who laying on floor,sobbing,belt marks cover his body,his clothes get torn

He grabbed his hair and said this is just a trailer,if you disobeyed our ordered again then i will beat you till you get faint always be a good obedient dog UNDERSTAND!!

Little james nodded while sobbing

Uncle = get up and clean the house

Uncle aunty left the Little james alone,Little james trying to get up but his body hurting so much he crying again and said Mama😭...papa😭.....i don't want to live here......😭😭😭😭...Please...."SAVE ME!"

To be continued......


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