Part 23

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Next morning

Net and james sleeping while hugging eachother

someone call!!

Net open his eyes and see sam

He get up and said why are you here in early morning!

Sam =! let's go i already start project i want you with that come!

Net = sam! Are you crazy! You start the project in early morning

Sam = sorry i don't know that you are sleeping but please now come james is sleeping na so come!

Net sighed and said okay let's go

Net go to sam room with him

After sometimes

James feeling a empty side so he opened his eyes and see net is not here

He get up from bed and finding net

James = phi!...p--hi....

James walking by sam room he heard net voice he see in sam room net is here

James see sam being so close to net

James ='t tell her-e....

James is about to cry,Tutor going down but he james outside sam room he go to him

Tutor = what happen james why are you standing here?

Tutor see in room net and sam doing project and sam being clingy to net

Then Tutor see james is about to cry he get angry and said this idiot start in early morning!!

Tutor go inside with james

Tutor = hello sam!

Sam see him and said hello Tutor!

Tutor = what are you two doing in morning

Net = project!! he start this in early morning i am cutting this pieces

Tutor = oh! So net you can go james is hungry i will do this

Net look at james and said baby you are hungry why don't you tell me you are hungry

Net go to james cover him in his arms

Sam look at them and said net but i want your help!

Tutor = i will help you with this let them go!

Net mom also came

Net mom = what are you all doing

Tutor = aunty james is hungry but net doing work here and not going with him you know james didn't eat without him and he let him starve!!

Net mom look at net and scold him net!! Why are you doing this james is hungry and you let him starve go fast or i will kick you of the house!!

Net = but mom i don't kno--

Net mom = go fast!!!

Net get scared and said to james baby let's go you hungry na come come....

Net go with james and net mom also go

And sam stand up and said to Tutor

Sam = what's your problem why you did this!!

Tutor = i know you are here for separate net from james but i am not let you do this i warn you if you do anything to james it's not good for you!!

Saying that Tutor left

Sam standing there with anger

Sam = i will do anything to make net mine even i have to kill james....

Sam go down to breakfast and see james sitting on net lap and net feeding him

Sam go to table and sat beside net

Sam = net! actually the items that i want for project is very less so let's go to shopping

Net = okay...james you want to come

James nodded

Sam look at net and said but net why are taking james he get bored there

Net look at him and said with stern voice If I go,James will also go with me

Sam get silent and nodded

Tutor laughing at him

Net mom = net take care of james if he get hurt It's not good for you

Net = yeah i know mom

After sometimes they are on mall

Sam = let's go to that store net!!

Net holding james hand and go the store that sam point

Sam = net please let james wait here he get tired there

Net said to james baby sit on this bench i will come soon hm

James don't want to away from net but it's for net work so he nodded

Net rub james hair and go with sam

After sometimes both come

Net = i am came baby we done shopping you want to go anywhere

James said in stern voice i want to go home phi let's go

Net didn't believe james said in clear voice and said like in serious tone

James = why are standing phi let's go i am tired!!!

Net just nodded

They both go to home

Net mom run to james and hug him

Net mom = jimmy do you have fun you want to eat something

James push net mom and said i don't like hugs! And i want to sleep only!

Saying that james go to his room

Everyone standing there in shock

Net mom = what happen to him he never did like this

Tutor = net why james is acting like this

Net dad = yes net you see how he push your mom

Net = mom i don't know why james acting like this suddenly he start speaking clearly and acting like this

Sam = net! I think he is tired only let's go do project when his mood get okay you will talk to him

Net nodded and go with sam

To be continued.......

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