Part 37

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Everyone take james to room and make him lie on bed

After 10 min Doctor came and he check up james

Doctor done the check up and said to them with smile

Doctor = Congratulations he is pregnant!!

Everyone get shocked to listen this

Net = a-are you sure Doctor?

Doctor = yes! I check him,he is pregnant so take care of him well and make sure he don't take stress!

Saying that doctor left,everyone is very shocked to that news

But p'james is very happy

P'james = oh my god!! My cutie brother is pregnant!! I am going to be a uncle!!

James open his little eyes and see everyone,he get up and sat on bed

James = wh-y are yo-u all he-re?

Everyone looking at eachother,p'james hug james and said my cutie brother you are pregnant!!

James get shocked to listen this

James = w-w-hat?

P'james = yes my cutie you are pregnant with net baby!!

James start crying,p'james confused and look at him

P'james = why are you crying my little brother!!

James = p'james! I ge-t preg-nant....i am on-ly 17!....phi wi-ll lea-ve me!

Net shocked to listen this he go to james hug him

Net = why are you Saying this baby! I will never leave you! I am happy that you are pregnant with our baby....

James = pro-mise na...phi yo-u nev-er leav-e me na....

Net = promise my love i will never leave you! You are my love and life i will never leave you....

James nodded while hugging net

Net mom said to james jimmy baby don't cry we all are happy you are don't cry we will take care of you

James nodded still hugging net,james get back and touch his tummy

James = ba-by is here?

Net nodded and said yes my love baby is in your tummy now

James rub his tummy and said gro-w fast my ba-by i can't wa-it to se-e you!!

Net giggled to his baby cuteness

Net mom = okay i am going to make his fav dishes bye....

Net dad = i am also coming

Saying that they both left

P'james = so james what you want boy or girl?

James think and said umm...i wan-t a bo-y...

P'james = Aw....but i want a girl!! And you net what you want!!

Net = i want a girl too

James start crying again,they get worried

Net = what happened cutie why are you crying?!

P'james = james...what happened!?

James = p-phi...hic...wa-nt gir-l...hic...phi will...lea-ve me...hic...if it was a b-oy...hic...

Net get shocked that he crying for this,net cupped his face and said baby....why are you crying for this haan? I am not going to leave i just say that i want girl i didn't say that i will leave you don't cry hm?

James nodded and hug net tightly,after sometimes net make james sleep and sat here

Net = haa! finally he slept...

P'james = my cutie brother is literally a child!!

Net nodded

Net mom came in room and said jimmy!!

Net and p'james = shhhhh!!!!🤫

Net = he is sleeping mom! don't shout!

Net mom nodded and sat with them

Net = mom you know james is crying for little little things?

Net mom laugh and said it's not a big problem,in pregnancy sometimes mood swings and get emotional in this time the person who is pregnant,he want to stay with his partner all the time

Net nodded and said oh thanks for telling me mom! I will take care of my cutie well!!

Net mom smiled and nodded

P'james pout and said i also want to get pregnant!

Net mom look at him and said Jackson baby...first get a boyfriend

P'james = i already have!!

Net mom and net look at him and said what?!

P'james = yeah! P'king is my boyfriend!!

Net smack his head

P'james = ouchh! Why did you hit me!!

Net = why don't you tell us you have a boyfriend

P'james = my wish!!

Net mom = aww.....i am so happy my Jackson also have a boyfriend come my son

Net mom hug p'james

P'james = thankyou mama!!

Suddenly james starting crying in sleep

James = ah...ah phi....p-hi...!!!

Net go to him and hug him

Net = yes....yes baby i am here your phi is here....sleep....your phi is here...sleep like a good baby...sleep...

James get clam and slept again and net cover him with blanket

Net mom and p'james laugh

Net mom = take care of him well!!

P'james = yeah net! Take care of my little brother well

Net = yeah yeah i know you two don't have to say

Everyone laugh and smiled....

To be continued.......


Hello my cuties🥰

Happiest new year to all of you,i wished your all wishes get true💎and get success in your life🧿✨

A very happy new year from me❤🥰

And i started my new fiction "Cage of Beauty"

I upload the part 1 go and check it

Read it you will definitely like it❤

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Read it you will definitely like it❤

B-bye happy new year again✨🥰

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