Part 4

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After 4years :

it's jack birthday house his full of guest and people

Everyone is talking happily and smiling

Uncle&aunt talking to some guests while a boy came with drinks to give them

Boy = drinks....

One of guest take the drink and ask to uncle = eww....who is he?

Uncle = nothing just our servant

(yes the boy is james,today is james birthday also but no one care about him,he wearing a torn white shirt and shorts,dust in his face,bruises everywhere)

Uncle = james now your work is finish go to storeroom!

James nodded and go to storeroom

He sat on floor and take a candle from his pocket and burn the candle

And start singing the birthday song

James = h-happy birth-day to me....h-happy birth-day happy birth-day....happy birthday to me.......

Then he blow the candle

But james doesn't smile,his eyes become teary and he said mama....papa....i-i r-really mi-ss yo-u....b-but i-i know y-you ne-ver come to me....

James have no expression on his face,his eyes saying that he don't want to live anymore,he always stutter while speaking,he try to speak less so his uncle aunt don't get irritate

James = m-mama....p-papa....yo-u know yesterday i-i t-ry to kill m-yself but u-ncle aunty d-don't let me die....i-i don't want to live m-mama i wa-nt to come to you
After that james lay on floor and get in sleep because he know everyone is celebrating jack birthday and he don't have permission to take food by himself

Next day🌄

James wake up at 4:00 in the morning,he go outside and start making breakfast

then he place food on table and start cleaning house 

At 6:00 everyone came to table start eating and talking

Jack = mom today i have to take cake on uni because my Friends didn't come yesterday

Aunt = okay sweetie

Uncle = your are our son do whatever you want

James listen everything he miss his mom dad very much

After jack and uncle left james massaging aunt legs

Aunt = do properly bitch!

James nodded suddenly aunt eyes lay on jack school lunch

Aunt = oh shit my baby forgot to take his lunch james!!!

James quickly stand up

Aunt = take this lunch and go to jack and gave to him

James nodded he take lunch and going to jack uni

James not wearing slipper or shoes so a pieces of glass hit his feet

James cried in pain = ahhhh.....

He fell on footpath he see some pieces of glass stuck on his feet,he took a piece out of his feet

He shout in pain = ouchhhhh

He took out every glass piece of his feet but his blood coming from his feet and he not able to walk

James get up by wall and trying to walk but his legs paining like hell but james didn't stop he keep walking because he don't want to beat up again

James reached jack uni he see jack is standing there while crossing in arms

He go to jack and gave lunch to him

James = p'jack l-unch....

But jack shout at him = why you so late because of you my Friends waiting I'll complain dad then you never do this thing again

James get very scared he grabbed jack leg and begging him to not tell uncle

James = n-no p-p'jack please don't t-tell uncle i-i promise i-i never do this a-again

Jack kick him and said no!! You have to learned a lesson again

Saying that he go to his Friends

Tears coming from james eyes he get up and turn suddenly someone bumped into him and both fell on floor

To be continued.....

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