Part 32

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P'james walking on streets alone tears in his eyes

He is not our own son...

He is adopted....

All the words he heard were running through his mind

He walking through a empty street suddenly some boys came to him,they blocked his way

Boy 1 = where are you going sweetheart

P'james is already very sad and angry he look at them and said please side i am not in a mood to fight!!

Boy 2 = oh the fierce one!

2 boys grabbed p'james by his arms,p'james trying to get away

P'james = hey you idiots what are you all doing!!

Boy 1 = oh this kitty is angry we just want to taste you sweetheart then we will let you go....

P'james = let me go or you have to face consequence i am already in not a good mood

Everyone laugh and Boy 3 said you are threatening us?!

P'james = I'll just count to three and if you all don't leave me, get ready

Everyone laugh

P'james = 1...

Boy 1 = he think he can escape?!

P'james = 2....

Boy 2 = we are three and he is only one!! Hahaa~~~

P'james = and last 3......

Two boys who held p'james,p'james twist their arms to their back

Boy 1 = aahhha!!

Boy 2 =shitt!!! Ahhhh!!

Boy 3 coming to punch him,p'james take boy 2 and throw him on him

Both fell on ground,boy 1 coming from behind to hit p'james with rode

He going to hit but p'james grabbed the rode with one hand and throw the rode with boy 1 on the ground

All three boys laying on street unconsciously

P'james = i already warned you and remembered that never try to mess with me

Saying that p'james go to home

And here everyone sitting in tension,netjames also sitting there

James = a-aunty you mea-n p'james is adop--ted....

P'james mom = hmm son he is adopted and now he is hurt to heard that he thought we are his real mom dad but....

James = p-p'james go-t hurt....

Net = yes it's very hurtful to hear that

They are talking while p'james came to home

Everyone stand up and p'james mom go to him

P'james mom = sorry son sorry mama don't tell you about it but we always see you as our own son

P'james look at her and said first stop calling me son you are not my mama!

Saying that he go to his room and lock the door

P'james mom start crying to see him talking like this

James go to his mom and said aun-ty don't cr-y na...i will tal-k to p'james he wi-ll understand please do-n't cry...

P'james mom look at him and said i trust you son i hope you can do this

Net = yes aunty james talk with him he will understand

James go to p'james room and knock the door and said p-p''s me...jam-es please op-en the door na...

P'james laying on just looking at ceiling and said please go james i don't want to talk with anyone

James = no p'james ple-ase open the do-or lov-e your..nong na...ple--ase....

P'james get up from bed and open the door and again lay on bed

James come in room and sat beside him

James = are you up-set p'jam-es...

P'james = hmmm....

James = b-but p'james the-y love you tha-t's why the-y hide it fro-m you...

P'james = But James, I am very sad that those whom I loved are not my own i don't have anyone who are my own!

James look down,bite his lips and said but p'james yo-u are so luc-ky....

P'james look at him and said lucky or me? Why?

James = bec-ause in chi-ldh-ood you didn't have to fa-ced an--yth-ing what i face-d in are so lu-cky that eve-ryone lov-es you and tak-e car-e of you in chil-dho-od,not li-ke me.....

Saying that james looking down and tears falling from his eyes

P'james look at him to see him like this p'james thinks he is right i never faced anything like he faced...

P'james get up and hug him,james clutch p'james shirt and crying silently

P'james also crying and said s-sorry nong i am really sorry i know i didn't faced anything like you faced....i am sorry nong now don't think like that everyone loves you too i also love you my cute nong and Specially net love you so much you don't have to think about past na....

James nodded while hugging him james get back and look at p'james,p'james wipe his tears and said tears don't suit on you cutie

James = p-p'james can i slee-p he-re wit-h you?

P'james smiled and said of course my nong come let's sleep i will tell net that you are sleeping here

James nodded and sleep with p'james while hugging him




Someone = Yes!! I kill your mom dad!! I separate you from your family and brother!!


To be continued..........


Merry Christmas🎄 Everyone🥳 today my bestie and bestfriend came to my house we really do lots of fun!!💖💖💗❤♡hope your all wishes came true!! B-bye love you cuties🥰

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