Part 46 🔞

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it's night,everyone go to their room,and here in kingjames bedroom

P'james = p'king!! let's do something awesome na i don't want to do simple sex!

King rolled his eyes and said james it's our wedding night And you want choices?

P'james = please naaa!!

King = you already know that we have fan meeting tomorrow you already make a blast in fans that we are marrying and now you want to tell everyone we do something blast in night!

P'james pout and said you think our fans are innocent? They already imagined what we are going to do in wedding night with different types let me show you!

P'james take his phone out and open a app and show it to king

P'james = see it's wattpad i downloaded for some horror stories but our fans make our stories in see

King read their stories "love with mafia,psycho,nerd,devil,rich brat etc..etc...

King = ommg what is thiss!! They make me red flag in many stories

P'james nodded and said yeah! And see in every story they make me helpless! If i was there i can handle everything!

King laugh and said because you are wife na

P'james = i am wife but it's not means i am helpless!! But in somes i am very naughty

King = you are naughty in real too but see they make nc scenes too

P'james got a idea and said p'king! let's take some ideas from these nc scenes i want to try all of them in real

King = are you sure?

P'james = yeahh!

King = okay then i will choose

P'james nodded and give phone to king,king scroll on phone and read something and smirk

P'james = did you find anything?

King nodded and off the phone and side it and going close to p'james

P'james = w-what happen?

P'james taking steps back and hit bed behind,king come and push p'james on bed and hover over him

P'james = p'king!

King going to kiss p'james,p'james closed his eyes,he is excited but suddenly he will something cold in his hands

P'james open his eyes and see his hand are cuffed with handcuffs,p'james look at king in confusingly

P'james = p'king! What is this!

King = uh uh! You told me i can choose whatever i want so i choose this type of and i am sure you will like it too

P'james smiled and said sure na hubby now do me!

King smiled and start kissing on p'james thin lips,p'james closed his eyes and enjoying the kiss

While kiss king get down his hand and take out p'james cock and squeeze it,p'james moan ah...ha..p'king....ah...

P'james trying to touch himself but his hands are cuffed he said "p' my hands na....ahh...please..."

King = not that fast baby......

King kissing p'james roughly,their saliva mixed to eachother and down king squeezing and teasing p'james cock

King get down and take p'james length in his mouth and sucking it

P'james feelings very good he moaning

P'james =

King start sucking faster,p'james bite his lips and enjoying everything

P'james = p'king.....i-i want to cum...

King = cum baby....

After 5min p'james cum in king mouth and king swallowed every bit of p'james cum

P'james breathing heavily and sweating,king come up and peck on his lips

P'james = p'king open my hands plss!

King smiled and open his hands suddenly p'james get up and make king lie on bed and get top of him

P'james = now it's my turn!

King smiled and nodded P'james open king pants fastly and take his cock out and take his length in his mouth

King cock hit p'james throat p'james cough

King = calm down baby....i am not going anywhere

P'james nodded and start sucking on it fastly king moaned ahh...j-james...

P'james increase the speed more

King = good...

After 3min king cum in p'james mouth,p'james swallowed everything and get up

King flipped p'james,again p'james lie on bed and king top of him,king whispered in his ears "are you ready love?"

P'james smiled and said as always!

King get up and remove their clothes and wear a condom and put his cock on p'james hole

King look at p'james who is excited,king smiled and go slowly slowly in him and start moving

P'james whined "fast please!"

King nodded and start moving faster and deeper

King = are so tight before...

P'james moan in pleasure " good...p'king...more...ahh"

King kissing p'james roughly and p'james hand grabbing king hair pulling him closer

King hit p'james sensitive spot,p'james moan "ahhhh...p'kinggg....ahhh..."

King = want me to stop?

P'james shook his head and said no! Ahh...please do until...i can't get up from bed....ahhh"

King smirk and start doing roughly and kissing p'james mouth hungrily and his hands going to pinching his soft nipples

P'james = ahhh.....p'...

King get down,licking and biting his soft nipples,p'james become moaning mess and under him

And soon both cum on eachother,after 4rounds king doned his work and lay beside him

But p'james get up amd get top of king,king confused and said what happen baby...?

P'james = i want to ride my hubby!!

King = baby...we will do next

P'james whined "please naa! I want to ride you please....i promise i will sleep after this na!
P'james showing puppy eyes to his husband,he know king can't say him no now

King sighed "okay whatever you want"

P'james get happy and adjust himself on king cock and shaking his hips to say him he is ready

King grabbed his waist to make him comfortable and p'james riding king up down..up down..

After few min whole room get hot and steamy with their moans,king grabbed p'james hips and squeeze it

P'james moan "ahh...p'king...i am cumming..."

King said hoarsely "me"

Saying that both cum again on eachother p'james fell on king chest breathing heavily

King make him lie on beside him and p'james snuggled in him like koala they both are still connect to eachother

King = baby...can i take it out?

P'james = no! let's just stay like this for sometime....

King = okay love...

King kiss p'james forhead and hug him tightly and both fell in sleep....

To be continued.......

Next Chapter is about netjames nc💜

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