Chapter 1

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Monday 10th October 2016.

Owen stood at the arrival's terminal, holding Rosie in one arm and holding Ryan's hand with the next as they waited for Amelia to come through the sliding doors. He hadn't seen his soon-to-be wife in almost a week, and he was unashamed to say that he missed her terribly.

"When is mommy coming?" Ryan asked, noticing that everyone but Amelia seemed to be coming through the doors.

"Soon, Ry," he assured the little boy, squeezing his hand, "And don't forget to give her the rose you bought, okay?"

"Okay," he hummed, lightly bouncing as he anxiously awaited his mother's arrival.


One week ago.

"Is it weird that I'm nervous?" Owen asked Amelia as they lay in bed together, the sun already up for a couple hours now.

"Nervous about what?" she replied, sleepily flipping over to face him. Her eyes opened and the shade of blue in them glistened, making him smile.

"The wedding," he admitted, wrapping his arm around her neck as she snuggled into his chest.

"What are you nervous about?" she laughed, "I'm the one that has to walk down the aisle while hundreds of people stare at me with creepy, happy smiles." When he didn't respond, she looked up at him, noticing that his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. "What? You think I'm gonna leave you at the altar or something?"

He laughed, his face instantly relaxing. "I hope not." His face turned serious as he looked down at her. "If you do, I'll find you and kidnap you and I'll force you to marry me."

"How romantic," she sarcastically announced, looping her leg around his waist, "Not creepy at all."

"Well, hopefully it doesn't have to come to that," he chuckled, squeezing her thigh, "Hopefully everything goes well, and I'll have a wife to screw in the night instead of a girlfriend."

"Oh, so that's why you're marrying me," she realised, "I should have known."

"Well, there are other things you're good for," he mused, taking his arm away from her neck to prop himself up on one elbow and look down at her.

"Such as?"

Owen froze, not having gotten that far in his thought process. "Um...companionship?"

Amelia giggled, reaching up to kiss him. "And all you're good for is sex."

"I'm okay with that," he shrugged, rolling over to lie on top of her. As they kissed, he manoeuvred his way between her legs, his intentions to make love for the second time this morning.

"Surprise!" two people yelled, barging into their bedroom. Owen yelped, quickly falling to the side as he pulled the covers over him and Amelia.

"Charlotte?!" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock, "Addie?" She sat up in bed, holding the covers close to her chest. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"More importantly, who let you in the house?" Owen suspiciously asked.

"Ryan did," Addison answered simply, as if it was normal that a four-year-old would just let them in the house, "He remembered me."

"So, you came all the way from LA, manipulated my son into opening the door to my house," Amelia pieced together, "And then you barged into my bedroom while I was very clearly busy, for what?" Charlotte and Addison looked excitedly at each other, exchanging mischievous grins.

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