Chapter 10

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Father John was a small, wiry man with tousled grey hair and a perpetual twinkle in his hazel eyes. He had been the priest at St. Mark's Church for over thirty years, and he had seen just about everything in that time. But he had to admit, he had never seen a couple quite like Owen and Amelia.

They had first come to see him a few weeks ago, looking rather nervous and awkward. As they sat in his office, holding hands and fidgeting, Father John could tell that they were deeply in love but unsure of how to proceed. They told him their story, of finding each other after years of heartbreak and loss, of their unexpected pregnancy, and their tumultuous life since then, and Father John couldn't help but smile. These two were meant to be together.

So when they asked him to officiate their wedding, Father John was honoured and delighted. He'd spent hours counselling them that day, listening to their fears and doubts, and reassuring them that they were making the right decision. And as the day of the wedding arrived, Father John could see the love and happiness radiating from both of them. So imagine his surprise when he found out that Amelia had experienced a meltdown and had momentarily disappeared from the ceremony. Thankfully her brother was able to bring her back, but his heart still ached for the troubled look on Owen's face when he thought Amelia had abandoned their wedding.

Owen stood nervously at the altar, waiting for Amelia to walk down the aisle. He was about to pledge his love, devotion, and loyalty to the woman who had captured his heart and healed his broken soul. He figured she wouldn't bother running again, but he wouldn't be absolutely sure until he saw her come through the doors. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her in his life. She was everything he ever wanted – fierce, brave, and full of love. But most of all, she was a fighter.

Their relationship hadn't been easy. It was filled with obstacles, challenges, and roadblocks. But through it all, they had never given up on each other, no matter how long it took either of them to realize that. And today, as they stood in front of their family and friends, Owen knew that nothing could ever tear them apart.

As the music started, and everyone stood, Owen cleared his throat and stood up straighter as he watched the doors open. In came Zola and Sofia, spreading flowers across the aisle, with Ryan following closely behind, rings in a box in his hand. After them were the bridesmaids and Addison, and then, finally, Amelia.

As Amelia made her way towards him, Owen couldn't stop the tears from falling. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen – her dark hair cascading down her shoulders, her eyes shining with happiness, and her smile lighting up the entire room. Even the guests in the booths began to smile as she approached them, her happiness infectious to all those around her.

When she finally reached him, Owen wiped his eyes, took her hands in his and whispered, only for her to hear, "You are the love of my life, Amelia Shepherd."

Amelia's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Owen. She never thought she would find someone who truly understood her, accepted her for who she was, and loved her unconditionally. But Owen had never given up on her, even when she had given up on herself.

The church was filled with friends and family, all eager to witness the union of the unorthodox couple. Owen gazed down at her, his strawberry blonde hair slicked back and a nervous smile on his face. He couldn't believe that he was about to marry the love of his life. And Amelia, standing by his side in such an elegant white dress, was the picture of grace and beauty.

Father John took his place in front of the couple and began the ceremony. He spoke of love, of commitment, of the ups and downs of marriage. And as he looked out at the two of them, he could see that they were listening intently, taking his words to heart.

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