Chapter 12

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As the four of them stood outside the wedding reception, Owen lit up the first cigar and took a long drag. Derek and Jackson watched him, their own cigars in hand, as Alex fumbled with his lighter.

"I can't believe you actually married my sister," Derek said with a grin.

Owen smiled back at his friend, taking another drag as he rolled his eyes.

"Believe me, I never thought I'd get married again after Cristina," Owen responded.

The mention of Cristina made the mood slightly somber, but Jackson quickly lightened it up. "Well, we're happy for you, man. Amelia seems like a great match for you."

Alex finally managed to light his cigar and took a deep drag. "Yeah, she's got a feisty spirit. I can see why you like her."

Owen chuckled. "Feisty is an understatement. But I love her for it."

As they puffed on their cigars, Owen couldn't help but look over at his new wife. She looked stunning in her white dress, and he couldn't believe he was lucky enough to call her his wife.

"You did good, Hunt," Jackson said, clapping Owen on the back. "Amelia is a catch."

"She is," Owen replied with a smile. "I can't believe I almost lost her though."

Jackson raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, that was crazy..."

Owen nodded in agreement. "She definitely keeps me on my toes."

The four of them continued to smoke their cigars and talk about the wedding before the conversation turned to Amelia again.

"I remember when she first started working with us," Jackson said with a smile. "She was a wild card, but in a good way. She can hold her own in an OR."

Alex nodded. "She's definitely come a long way. I never thought she'd be chief of neurosurgery one day."

"Neither did I," Derek admitted, "But she's proven herself time and time again. I'm proud of her." As they stood there, the four of them enjoying their cigars, Owen couldn't help but feel grateful for the support and camaraderie of his friends. He had been through a lot in his personal and professional life, but having these guys by his side made it all worth it.

"I'm glad you guys are here," he said sincerely.

Derek clapped him on the back. "We wouldn't miss it for the world. Congratulations, Owen."

"Cheers," Jackson added, raising his cigar in a toast.

Alex joined in, raising his own cigar. "To Owen and his crazy, new wife." The four of them clinked their cigars together and laughed and continued to smoke and chat, enjoying the cool evening air and the celebration of love. It was a moment that Owen would remember for a long time, and he was grateful to have his friends there to share it with him.

Owen took a puff from his cigar as he looked at Amelia, then at his friends, with a smile on his face. "I have some news," he announced, his eyes filled with happiness.

"What is it?" Derek asked curiously.

Owen took a deep breath before speaking. "I've decided to step down as chief. I want to be more involved with Amelia and the baby." His friends all looked at him in surprise, unsure of what to say. Owen had been a dedicated chief, and they couldn't imagine the hospital without him in that role.

"But who will take your place?" Jackson finally asked.

"Bailey will be stepping up as interim chief until they find a permanent replacement," Owen replied.

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