Chapter 4

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Wednesday 12th October 2016.

"I like the lime green," Amelia said, pointing to the colour scheme the designer had given them, "We can tie them on the chairs with the purple." She switched Rosie from one arm to the other as she looked over the other colour options.

"I kinda like the orange and baby blue one we originally agreed on," Owen pouted, showing her the colours they had picked out a couple days ago.

"Random draw?" she bargained. Owen nodded, holding the colour panels out to prepare for the game.

"Oweeeen!" the two surgeons heard being yelled down the hall. Turning their attention in the direction of the voice, they saw Cristina walking towards them.

"Cristina?" Owen exclaimed, a bright smile suddenly taking over his face as he hugged her, "I thought you weren't coming?"

"I wasn't," she confirmed his thoughts, "But I couldn't miss the second biggest day of your life." She winked at him. Owen blushed and laughed, scratching the back of his neck. "But really, I only came here for a surgery with Mer." Amelia watched the interaction, trying to ignore the suspicion deep within her about Owen's first biggest day of his life. "So, where's the soon-to-be?" she asked, "She better be hot."

Owen put his arm around Amelia's waist and pulled her closer to him. "This is her; Amelia."

"Shepherd's little sister?" Cristina looked between the two, shock evident on her face. Amelia frowned, taking her comment as an insult. "The mini McDreamy," she added teasingly, raising her hand in the air, "High five!" Owen chuckled, returning the gesture. Cristina held her hand up for Amelia to high five, but the gesture was returned a little less enthusiastically as she tried to balance Rosie in her one arm. He looked down at Amelia and smiled warmly, the love evident in his eyes.

"And this is Rosie," he added, smiling down at the baby in Amelia's arms.

"Seems like you've got everything you've ever wanted," Cristina sincerely said.

"Yeah," he agreed as he looked at Rosie, then at Amelia, his smile never leaving his face.

"We should catch up," Cristina suggested, eyeing the way the two looked at each other.

Owen looked between her and Amelia. "Uh, I'm kinda..."

"It's okay, Owen," Amelia assured him, feeling a little out of place in their conversation, "I have to take Rosie to daycare anyway."

"Are you sure?" he asked, a little concerned by her eagerness to leave, "We still have to pick the colours." He held the colour palettes up as he frowned sadly at her.

"Yeah," she told him, pointing at the colour scheme he wanted, "We can just pick yours, it's whatever." Just then, her phone vibrated. "I have to take this; I'll see you later." Before he could even kiss her goodbye, like they normally would, she walked away.

"James?" Amelia said into the phone.

"Amelia," the voice on the other line said, heavy with bitterness, "I hear you're getting married."

She stopped walking, frozen. She wasn't sure how to answer his question, if it even was one. ""

"The hurricane finally settles down," he laughed, "If I knew all I had to do to get you to marry me was get you pregnant, I would've done that a while ago."

Amelia sighed and frowned. "Why are you calling, James?"

"To tell you that you deserve none of what you have right now," he told her, plain and simple, "After everything you put me through, you don't deserve to be happy."

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