Chapter 13

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Amelia woke up slowly, feeling the warm rays of sunlight on her skin. She stretched out her arm and smiled when she felt her husband's body next to her. She turned to look at him, taking in his messy hair and peaceful expression. Owen Hunt was officially her husband now, and it still felt surreal. As she sat up, she heard a soft cooing sound coming from the bassinet next to her side of the bed. She smiled even wider when she saw her baby daughter, Rosie, gazing up at her with big blue eyes. She reached out her hand to stroke Rosie's soft cheek and whispered, "Good morning, my little love bug." Meredith had dropped her off earlier this morning, after the little ginger had thrown a tantrum almost all night, demanding to be in her parents' presence. So much for a honeymoon.

Owen stirred next to her and opened his eyes, his gaze landing on his girls. He smiled, his heart overflowing with love and happiness. He reached out his arm and wrapped it around Amelia, pulling her closer to him. "Good morning, Mrs. Hunt."

Amelia blushed at the use of his new name for her, although they had agreed she would keep her last name, because of her profession. "Good morning, Mr. Hunt." They laid there in bed, basking in the glow of their love and their new family. Rosie let out another happy coo and they both laughed.

"We made her, you know," Owen said with a hint of pride in his voice, looking from Rosie's bassinet to Amelia.

Amelia laughed, "Yes, we did."

They got out of bed and got ready for the day, taking turns tending to Rosie's needs. As they sat down for breakfast, they couldn't help but marvel at how perfect their little family was. They talked about their plans for the day and how they couldn't wait to take Rosie to the park for the first time.

After breakfast, Owen held Rosie in his arms while Amelia got dressed for the day. As he looked down at his daughter, he couldn't believe how lucky he was. He never thought he would have a family of his own, but here he was, with the two most important girls in his life.

Amelia came into the room, looking beautiful as always. Owen couldn't take his eyes off her, even after all this time. "Ready to go?" she asked with a smile.

"Always," he replied, kissing her on the cheek. They packed up the diaper bag and headed out to the park.

As they walked, Owen couldn't stop thinking about how different their lives were now compared to a year ago. They had gone through so much, but they had come out stronger on the other side. He was grateful for every moment he got to spend with Amelia and Rosie, and he promised himself he would never take them for granted.

At the park, they found a nice spot to lay out a blanket and Owen set up a little tent for Rosie to nap in. He laid her down and watched as she drifted off to sleep. He turned to Amelia, who was looking at him with an adoring smile.

"What?" he asked, feeling self-conscious.

"I just love watching you with her. You're such an amazing father," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Owen's heart swelled with love and he leaned in to kiss her. "I couldn't be a good father without your amazing mothering skills," he whispered against her lips.

They spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Rosie and taking turns pushing her on the swings. They couldn't stop smiling and laughing, feeling like the luckiest couple in the world.

As the sun began to set, they packed up and headed home. As night fell, Owen surprised Amelia with a romantic dinner in their room, complete with candles, soft music, and her favourite meal. They savoured the food and each other's company, lost in conversation.

After dinner, they cuddled in front of the electric fireplace, wrapped in each other's arms. Owen traced circles on Amelia's bare arm as they talked about their future together. She then sat up and began to undo the buttons on her blouse, and he held Rosie for her, cupping her safely against his bare chest.

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