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Fiona's POV.

As I was drying the dishes for my mother I was looking outside and saw younger kids playing with each other with their powers that they got I couldn't help but Daydreamin wish that was me. I guess I was so busy day dreaming that I didn't see my mom hear me a plate as I was driving it. She asked me if I was still upset about the power that I got. I put the plate in the cabinet and told her not really that I was just disappointed explain to her that everybody always talks about me and I know they do because I hear it she told me that everybody's going to talk about people regardless of what power they got, and then I should always let them talk She kissed me on the forehead and told me that when I get done with this I should probably head over to Madison's house so I can help her decorate for the ceremony tonight.

I smiled as she walked away. That's why I like talking to my mother show us understand where I'm coming from my father on the other hand he's very tough on me. He always tells me what to do and what not to do but the main thing he keeps telling me is to stop complaining he always tells me just to be glad that I have a power I want to tell him that that's not the point, but he never listens to what I have to say when I got to Madison's house, she smiled She told me that I was just in time. She explained to me that her mom was at the ceremony hall as we were walking. Her six-year-old brother was walking beside us. We asked him if he was excited to get his powers. He said he was super excited he did, and proceeded to say that he can't wait to see what power he gets in that he hopes it's different like mine as soon as he said that Madison gave me a look she didn't told her Brother that she doubts he was going to get a power like mine.

You're going to get me and mom's power which is  a levitating power you know how me and mom can move stuff around by lifting her fingers that's what you're going to get! She said looking at her little brother.

That sucks well, how come Fiona has a different power I mean her parents have a water power and she has a power to read peoples future! He said, holding Madison's hand.

It's because I'm different. Why don't you go inside! I said, opening the door.

When he went inside Madison quietly apologize I told her it was fine, but I didn't really care but deep down I really did It hurts when random people talk about you, but it hurts even more when your best friends family talks about you me and Madison have been best friends ever since we were two years old we literally share the same pacifier when I walked into the ceremony hall. Memories started hitting me and I was remembering that night that me a Madison got our powers I was about to go get some air, but then Dexter went in front of me. He said he was surprised to see me here, considering I have a different power than everyone He proceeded to tell me that I ruined his life I rolled my eyes when he said that.

I told you that I can't control what my power sees so I didn't ruin your life. Technically, your future decisions did! I said, looking at him up and down.

and it would've never happened if you would've not showed me my mom is right not only are you a disappointment to your family but you're also a disappointment to the town! He said before walking away .

Hey did you want to hang these flowers up Sophia's running a little bit late! Madison said, handed me a box.

As I was putting up the flowers where they need to go, Sophia walked in, apologized and told me she will take it from here I watched as she took the box and put it on the ground. She didn't even use the flowers that Madison gave me. She use her powers to grow real ones and hung them up where they needed to go My town has three normal powers. The first one is a water power that my family in a couple of other families have basically my parents can control water by holding out there hand the second power is a levitation power. That's what my best friend Madison has. She said that every since she got her power it's been super easy to clean her room. The third power is a plant power. Basically what Sophia has all she has to do is touch grass or soil and flowers with bloom.

I'm the only one in the town that has a not normal power  when I first got my power my parents were surprised when people found out that I got a new power they would constantly bother me about it to see if I was dangerous or not the first person that I read the future two is Sophia when I was nine years old I was playing pattycake with Sophia, and when I touched her hand, I looked into her eyes and saw her future. Not a lot of it just a little bit. It was basically her checking someone out at a floral shop of course when I told her that she was excited, she told me that working out a floral shop with her dream job and it goes great with her powers.

The reason why I tell people that my power is a gift, but it's also occurs at the same time, because after I tell people, the good part of their future not even 15 minutes later I end up seeing the bad part when Sophia went home that night I ended up seeing her crying while her floral shop burned to the ground after that day I haven't really been using my powers unless people harass me about it and ask me for the future. I don't tell people the bad parts about their future. I just tell them the good parts there wasn't really nothing for me to do at the ceremony hall, so I just walked around the town.

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