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Cody's pov.

As I was brushing my teeth, I've been down to spit out the toothpaste that was in my mouth. Then, when I got back up again, I jumped, because midnight was standing in the hallway, staring at me I really hate when Midnight does that as I wiped my mouth I told midnight to stop sneaking up on that. I don't like it. Rufus was too busy chasing his tail around so he wasn't really paying attention to the conversation we were having a midnight told me that it's not his fault. I'm a bitch, and I get scared about every little thing when I walk into the kitchen I jumped because there was a white cat cleaning itself.

Don't worry fool I'm not here for you I'm here for him Hi papi! The white cat said walking back-and-forth.

Midnight, why is there a white cat that has a Spanish accent at my window have you been going outside again! I said, going into the kitchen.

What can I say the ladies love me speaking of love did you find a date for your company's dinner! He said following me.

As I poured myself some coffee, I told him no I didn't, but I don't think I'm going to go to that. Rufus had a ball in his mouth and started talking. I told him, but I can't hear him, so take the ball out of his mouth as he dropped it he told me that I have to go that it's an important dinner that all of my bosses were going to be there which is true every year my company that I work at there's a big dinner party. It basically gives the bosses in the other employees a chance to meet everyone last year I went single in the year before that I went single again so I guess if I do show up single this year people are going to start talking. I looked at my calendar and saw that I have three days until the company dinner so I have to find a date no matter what.

Look, I have to go to work, but I won't be home until later on this evening. When I get home, I'll look on tinder for someone to talk to until then Rufus do not get into the dog food at midnight. Please tell that cat to go home. I do not need any more pets! I said, putting on my tie before leaving.

As I left my apartment, I went straight to my job as I was doing paperwork. One of my other coworkers that always talk to me in the morning came up to me and asked me if I was excited for the company dinner in three days gave him a fake smile and said sure why not he told me that he's pretty excited because he wants everyone to meet his wife he smile and asked me if I want to see a picture of her and I told him no but I already saw a picture of her three times already he put his hands up in a surrender motion and said he can't help it that she's hot after he left, he went to go ask other people if they wanted to see a picture of her. I shook my head that coworker that comes up to me and talk to you every morning. This is his third time getting married his first marriage only lasted two months.

And his second marriage only lasted a week because he ended up cheating on his second wife with his third wife everyone in the office is taking bets on how long this marriage is going to last I told everybody that I got at least a month and it's going good so far, they only have one more week and then it will be a month before I knew it Lunchtime came around usually go to the diner and get me something to eat for lunch, but my landlord said he wanted to have a meeting with me so as I was looking at my landlord with a disgusted lunch, he was sitting here telling me that my rent was going to go up so instead of paying $1100 I was not going to be $1500 apparently he said that the mortgage is going up so he has to raise everyone's rent.

Which means I have to find a roommate because I can't afford $1500 a month I mean I get paid every two weeks on Wednesdays and my checks are only $950 after I get done paying my water and electric bill and I spend about $100 through $200 on groceries as I was going back to my apartment, I heard yelling the next-door neighbor three doors down was telling someone to get out as the lady was walking. She looked gorgeous and kind of disappointed. She ended up, dropping a piece of paper as she was walking by I guess she felt it fall because we both went to go pick it up but as our hands touched, I felt something shock me.

I've never felt a feeling like this before I asked if she was OK. She said she was fine. She gave me a small smile and said that my neighbor is kind of an asshole. I told her that he is always like that even on holidays she let out a small chuckle She looked at my door and said she thinks my apartment is leaking. I looked and Shernoff it was liquid coming out of the apartment but when I open the door and my dog, Rufus was storing and slobbering all over the place I didn't want me and the girls conversation to and so I told her to come inside as she walked inside refills tried to jump on top of her but I told him no midnight was circling around her usually midnight likes to scratch new people he doesn't know but to my surprise, he let the girl pick him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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